

Dear racist,
How are you doing? I hope you are doing great, nah I'm lying, I hope you are feeling restless from all the number of people you have harassed, embarrassed and even led to depression.
oh racist I don't even care to know your age,gender,or even your race, I just care to know if you are human, hell yeah you're human, buh do you act like one? oh no you don't, you wanna know why? heres why,how can treating a human being like an animal be a human act, that's so inhumane, even a dog wouldn't do that, so comparing you to an animal would be an insult to that animal.
oh racist, how is your own race doing? I hope they are running earth and the other races are somewhere in the outer space struggling to survive, Lol. Buh do you know one thing? Being a racist in the 21st century is so dumb that only dumbasses would do that. yeah you read that right I called you a dumbass, what are you gonna do? call the cops on me? well I think you've run outta luck cos I'm in my bed writing you this letter and all you can do is smash your phone against the wall.
in conclusion, stop being such a dumbass and let every race enjoy freedom as you do. PS: if you don't have a brain to understand the reason for this letter, I can lend you my dog's, cos his brain does not classify people according to skin color.

yours sincerely
