

The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. mostly sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time as she wipes a tear before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh, but starting afresh was always easier said than done.
she turned to her overturned duffel and began stuffing it with clothes from the closet and the bed. As she stuffed her bag, she couldn't help but revisit them, the nemories, how it had all began. how her once easy and simple life had been turned into the raging storm of lies and danger that it now was. It all started that day, that hot, July afternoon on the shores of lake Monroe. She remembered sitting on the grass in that blue sundress everybody said she looked especially pretty in. she remembered tilting her head back and smiling as the cool lake air washed over her face, peace. she remembered the feeling of peace. and she should have known that that was just the calm before the storm, she should have known that nothing good ever lasted, she should have learnt form past experiences. but she didn't. she remembered that his soft velvety voice and how it floated around her ears as he asked if he could sit by her side and she remembered nodding. That was probably the beginning of her nightmares, it hadn't taken her long to fall for him. blame it on the smooth almost coercive texture of his voice, or his grey eyes that held many more secrets than she could handle, she could also blame it on his touch and kisses that always left her breathless and senseless. either way she fell and she fell hard. She also remembered the day it had all started to go wrong, the day he raised his hand to her in violence. he had apologized profusely and taken her on a trip to Mexico, something she had always wanted. but as time went on, the strikes had increased and the apologies reduced, a slap turned into two and two kicks turned into a vase to the head. she couldn't explain how she had gone from simple town girl everyone loved to punching bag of a raving maniac, worst part . there had been no warning, no time to prepare herself for the torture that would become her life. he had loved her, she had no doubt about that and she had loved him too, but sometimes love did crazy things to a person, turning them into something they never thought they'd be. She couldn't leave him, he damn well made sure of that. she felt tears spring to her eyes as she remembered the three years she had spent in his sharp unyielding claws and she remembered the day she was finally freed from them. like everything else since meeting him, the cutlery rack fell to the floor by accident when he pushed her against the kitchen island where they are breakfast every morning. but picking up the bread knife had been no accident, nor was it an accident that she stabbed him six times in his chest. she remembered the blood, so much blood but more importantly she remembered the look in his eyes, she could've been wrong but she knew she wasn't, it was acute and unadulterated relief and she remembered watching him fall to the ground. she remembered stretching out her hand to feel that mesmerizing touch for the last time, and she remembered the unmistakable sound at his I love you. She didn't remember any tears though, she didn't remember feeling sad or guilty but she also didn't remember feeling relieved. numbness. that's what she did remember. even as she called the cops and while she was being read her rights, while she was being led into the police van and while she stood trial in that court, all she could remember feeling was numb. and then the touch of her mother, embracing her, telling her it was ruled as self defense, telling her she was free to go.
She shook her head, trying to clear out the thoughts as she zipped the bag closed. indeed it was time for her to start over, take back the reins of her life but even as she drove her Mercedes with the intention of going far away from her nightmares, she found herself onceore at the shores of lake Monroe. she lowered herself to the ground and tilted her head back letting the cool lake air wash over her, smiling as she heard the voice, felt the familiar touch of the one she had loved she opened her eyes and stared back into that of a complete stranger with piercing blue eyes and the coolest touch his voice almost a whisper as he asked to sit beside her.

© yourstruly❤️