

There was once a little boy named MD he lived a normal life you know living in a underground laboratory. his father was part of a project testing nuclear time manipulation and well let's just say ethics wasn't their first concern. while MD played they performed a time experiment. with a unwilling participate the subject escaped he made his way to MD'S room and saw MD he was going to attack MD but then MD said hide in there the closet the man listened and hid. MD'S father busted into the room and asked his son very plainly. did you see a man come through here. and he said no. MD'S Father asked if he was telling a fib. MD said no. but the father knew he was lying and searched his room. he found the man and took him to the testing chamber and MD ran after him yelling and screeming. for his father to release him. a guard restrained MD as he watched the other guard as he loaded the man into the glass chamber. MD'S father went up the the command center and messed with a control panel. then a count down started. the count down rang through the bunker as it's unfeeling robotic voice sealed this man's fate. as the voice reached three MD broke free and ran as fast as he could. he didn't know what the machine was in front of him but he knew it was bad. he ran as the voice thundered three two he reached the man. one! the explosion shot through the halls. incinerating every one it touched.
the only survivers two scientists MD'S father and MD but MD'S father didn't know that Because MD was talking to a caveman. he didn't realize where he was or when he was... part two coming soon-

© MD