

Beneath Part 1
He was a very talkative human being and could not ever run out of words but today he went bankrupt when he hit his growing eyes on what seemed like an old pile ,it seemed as if it was built a century back or two but still firm, it looked more like a hunted one since it was crystal clear even to a two year old that many generations had lived here ,the dried leaves made it clear that it had taken a while without cleaning , it's black roof and dark colour made it more fearful and if he had another option he would have turned back in a blink of an eye that's what come into my mind .As he took his first step inside, he took heavy breaths as if he had seen a gost or something.The floor started moving on its own and to a supplies he didn't freak out stood still and waited to reach his destination maybe the floor was used as an elevator well it was all soon to be revealed.When he arrived at his destination he hoped down "Thanks Ababu" voiced the character as if the flow could reply, he then boldly entered the room, "pu bu Doo" him falling on his belly after books and chairs moving on their own and hit him " i know your there Adua " from mid air a human body come to sight with a smirk on his face "Aloile your here ,mmh on time for the first time ever in one hundred years " uttered the human who come to sight earlier and it seemed he was the Adua the character mentioned "of course not one hundred it's one hundred and twenty" uttered the character who was now revealed that his Aloile and to a blow he was one hundred twenty years yet he look like one in his early twenties, "mom is waiting for you " continued Adua "mom is already here done it "
Aloile broke the silence. Now by looking at Aloile's face you could sense that he was petrified and why would one fear their own mother it became a matter of considerable doubt only God knew what on planet earth was going . zaharah Mazzi Aqua
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