

How to unveil your feelings as a lady to a guy you love!
Don't confront him directly, do that indirectly so as to preserve your respect as a lady on his side.

Start off by introducing yourself as a friend to him first and try not to disclose your affection towards him through words but through actions.

Play some little games with his mind like associating and having fun with other guys and not him whenever he's around to see if he'll be jealous.

If he's jealous, he might also be interested in you but if he ain't, then try other means to know.

Ask his male friends what he thinks and has been saying at your back about you and use the information you get to play your cards right in getting his attention.

If they say he has a crush on you, you might as well message the most trustworthy of them to tell him on your behalf that you're also having a crush on him.

If they say he never says anything lovely about you, that calls for a confirmation before conclusion: as they might be jealous and don't want to tell the truth, hence you might want to go through other means to confirm the truth...

Bottom line is, it's easier to express your feelings as a lady to a guy than the opposite, so be courageous and take your stand.

Having done all of the aforementioned, try approaching him on his happiest day as he'd already be expecting you (having heard and received your messages from his friends). Do this when he's alone and through playful words, tell him you love him and watch his reaction.

Whatever his reaction or reply, don't be carried away and wait until it's proven by his further dealings with you.

If he starts giving you more of his time, talking to you more frequently, distancing himself from other girls when or not you're around and perhaps calling and texting you in some romantic way, then just know he's in.

But if he does the opposite, rest assured he doesn't love you. take heart and wait for your right guy.

© Joshgenius