

Our unbreakable bond
I didn't had any friend, never. Actually, I had but that string was always so thin between us that it would get cut in half.
And then I met someone in my junior highschool(11th)...Sakshi. One of the best girl I ever met. I felt that we had a connection, soulmate kinda.
We attended lectures together, studied together, she even knew when something was wrong with me, she made me feel safe as a mother makes. And then a year later we met a girl, Rucha. Classy girl. We never felt like we can stay friends with each other for a long span of time, even though I was a good friend of Sakshi. But as the time passed, we came closer and closer. Spending time, talking for hours on a call and hanging out with them soon bacame my daily routine. I can never imagine my life without them. They are always their with me when i'm in trouble, standing behind me like a backbone, ready to take a life for my sake. I am lucky to have friends like them to give me emotional and mental support. And now I am sure that our bond is unbreakable. This string is so tough to cut down.

All we need is to find a friend.
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