

Vision for a Sustainable and Ethical Society: Comprehensive Demands for Progress in India Before casting my vote(Part 2)
Product Purity
Impose fines on companies that manufacture impure products in India and send them to India
If impurity continues, completely shut down those companies and do not allow them to operate further
Take legal action against company directors, punishing them with at least 3-4 years imprisonment
Organic Farming
Farmers in India should not use poisonous pesticides, and organic farming should be promoted
If substandard grain is found in quality checks, first give the farmer a warning and penalty
If they continue using pesticides, stop their supply and consider punishing them with 1-2 years imprisonment to stop the spread of poison in the food industry
Minimum Crop Prices
The government should fix a minimum price for all crops so farmers can benefit
Maximum price depends on the crop and who can send their grain anywhere without paying the minimum amount
If someone violates this, take legal action, penalize them as a first warning, and sentence them to 5-6 years imprisonment if they continue
These measures aim to ensure product quality, promote sustainable agriculture, and guarantee fair prices for farmers. Strict penalties and legal action are proposed to enforce compliance.
Forest Conservation and Water Management
Strict laws should be enacted to prevent forest fires, holding the forest department accountable if fires are not contained promptly
Provide forest officials with necessary facilities to prevent forest fires
Utilize resources like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MANREGA) for planting new trees and protecting forests
Clean Water Access
Ensure universal access to clean water, addressing disparities in water distribution
Install water meters on household taps to monitor usage and bill accordingly
Charge for water usage to promote responsible consumption and equitable access
Alcohol and Tobacco Regulation
Increase the price of alcohol Rs 50000 per litre significantly to discourage excessive consumption, especially among youth
Implement similar pricing strategies for tobacco products to reduce health risks and environmental impact
Government intervention in pricing is prioritized to address public health concerns
Wildlife Protection and Weapon Control
Ban indiscriminate killing of wild animals and cattle, along with the sale of weapons
Strict actions against individuals carrying weapons, including confiscation of licensed firearms
Emphasize education and health over weapons, promoting a safer and more peaceful society
These demands cover a wide range of critical issues from environmental conservation to public health and safety, reflecting a comprehensive approach to societal well-being and sustainable development.
Employee Rights and Welfare
Set a minimum starting salary of ₹20,000 for all employees
Mandate a minimum 20% annual increment for employees
Allow companies to set any maximum increment amount
Limit employment contracts to a maximum of 3 years to prevent exploitation
Standardize resignation notice period to 1 month and hiring time for experienced employees to 1 month
These measures aim to ensure fair wages, prevent employee exploitation, and provide stability in the job market.
Road Safety and Traffic Management
Permanently cancel driving licenses of individuals caught driving under the influence of drugs
Impose a minimum 2-year imprisonment for driving without a license, along with fines
Mandate installation of front and rear cameras in all vehicles for accident investigation
Ensure proper vehicle maintenance and restrict entry of large vehicles like trucks into cities
Promote pollution-free vehicles like electric and hydrogen-powered cars in cities
Increase public transport and reduce private vehicles to ease traffic congestion
Conduct driving license tests at night to assess dipper usage and prevent accidents caused by improper headlight usage
These reforms prioritize road safety, environmental protection, and efficient traffic management to create a more secure and sustainable transportation system.
Online Fraud Prevention
Provide more resources and facilities to IT police to promptly address online fraud reports
Take immediate action against e-commerce platforms involved in fraudulent activities
Strengthening the IT police force and ensuring swift action against online fraud cases will help build trust in digital services and protect citizens from financial losses.
Combating Sex Work and Social Media Regulation
Take immediate steps to curb sex work in India to protect vulnerable individuals and uphold societal values
Implement strict measures to prevent the spread of harmful content on social media platforms
Employ individuals to monitor and promptly remove inappropriate content reported on social media
These actions aim to safeguard individuals from exploitation and maintain cultural integrity in society.
Censorship and Responsible Filmmaking
Require directors to submit their movie scripts to the censor board for evaluation of societal impact
Empower the censor board to cancel projects that may have negative effects on society
Encourage fact-based and culturally sensitive filmmaking while limiting explicit content
By promoting responsible filmmaking and cultural sensitivity, these measures aim to uphold ethical standards in the entertainment industry and protect societal values.
© Pradeep Parmar