

Behind locked door
We're puppets in the hands of Almighty. He who knows when to cut off those strings and when to pull them. Sometimes, He pulls gently to make us realise how much we love others and how others love us.

The time rolls on and similarly life goes on, what is left behind , becomes a story. Today I am here as a story teller but from behind the closed door. The door won't be opened until I'm sure that the people on the other side are safe . I have been tested covid positive just a few days back which means I had to cut my regular ties with my family and outer world ,physically .Seriously everyone has to do so in order to keep everyone safe.

The time was difficult ,for the first five days severe fever and body ache ,the mind and body do not know how to react ...a whole lot of sweating, breathlessness, loss of appetite ,even a loss of hope ,negative emotions tried to engulf me ....but it it said that to get the greatest help is to get it from yourself first .I can analyse the whole scenario that only I can help myself firstly by changing my mind set.... I have to live ,I have to live for myself, I have to live from my family who has been knocking doors every now and then to find whether I'm hale and hearty..calling many times a day to listen to my voice ,making video calls to find out whether there is any glow on my face...I can't disappoint them nor I can't mistrust myself. All through these years now I can't all of a sudden surrender myself before the most challenging situation.

After five days it was very important for me to bring things back on the track...I pumped more positive energy into my brain and retained it ... it's easy to give up but difficult to retain and certainly it helped ..taking medicines regularly, proper diet ,yoga and breathing exercises initially body was still fighting I used to get exhausted quickly but gradually picked up .Today I have complete 11 days in home isolation and going strong everyday cause I Don't Want To Give Up !

How good it feels when I see a grin on the face of my family...it's something victorious I may say.

Lastly, I would like TO END ON A VERy OPTIMISTIC NOTE AND suggest everyone that one day everything will be back on track we will have birthday parties, anniversary parties, hang outs ,travels ,holi , diwali ,Eid ,christmas ,etc they will all come back to us once again BUT REMEMBER THE LIFE ONCE GONE WILL NEVER RETURN ! Stay at home Stay Safe ....

let's be sensible and do every possible things to help others.

PS- Waiting for the door to reopen asap.
© Shweta k Thapliyal