

Without the villain there is no hero
The hero stood there covered in the blood of his enemy, hands shaking from the shock of all the deaths trailing behind him. Very slowly he moved closer to the body and pulled off the mask. Gasping he fell back and his hand landed on a sheet of paper. It was a letter the villain had been writing in her last few minutes alive. With shaking hands and teared up eyes, the hero began to read:

Dear hero,

You are my mortal enemy, the one who shall, or rather, already has, delivered the final blow. But for once, will you be my friend as I have no one else to share this with? It is my dearest hope that you do not let your emotions get away with you after reading this letter. In fact it is better that you do not read it, so I think I will hide it away before you get here and I die. If you are reading this, I beg you, either stop, or remember that I chose this. Please don't react the way you did with Alyssa. She deserved it, I do not.

The villains and heros are picked out at an early age in this world. There is one thing that makes them stand out, personalities. The heros are kinder, more loving, hopeful, and at peace with themselves and the people around them. The villains are rude, sharp, discouraged, misfits. They don't really belong anywhere and worry mostly about protecting their own selves instead of others. But it isn't that they are selfish, in fact they don't know how to be selfish. These people are mostly just misunderstood, and tend to care more for others than the heros. It's because they care that they become the villain.

Every hero is born with a curse. You are born with that curse. Have you not felt your body weakening? Have you not felt sick lately, even though the hero isn't supposed to be sick? That's the curse. I suppose the proper term forit is loyalty to the Earth and society in general. You feel you must serve justice or something like that. It becomes a craving therefore the curse like feeling. It isn't a real curse, just something that seems to fester in the hero's body. Once you kill the villain, the curse will go away. Maybe you know all this already, but that's all I know about it. I wish I knew why there is a curse, why we have to fight, why you were chosen.

I used to like you. Now I'm not allowed to like you but I will still fall for the cute face, and respectful attitude you have. I guess that was my second weakness, the reason our fights never got that serious. If I am remembering right, I hurt you three times. Once really badly, the others less so. Maybe I hurt you more than that. I'm sorry I don't remember. But I will never ever ever forget when I hurt you that badly the first time. I couldn't control it all you know?

Emotions feel stronger as a villain, like they are just teeming to get out, to escape. I learned, and I'm better now. I can control how I feel. For the most part at least. I can laugh when I want to cry. I can taunt when I want to say sorry. I can scream with rage when I want to smile with happiness. I am a true villain. I hide behind more than just the mask covering my face, I have one for my voice and emotions. I scare myself sometimes, saying more than I want, always the opposite of what I mean. I wanted to hug you and apologize and cry while you hugged Alyssa. But I laughed and fled. That was the one time I suprised myself. I actually cried. I wanted to and I did. Odd right?

You know, I feel better writing this out. Like a weight has been lifted, like I am free from the chains of secrets. I didn't really want to die at first, and I thought that it would be okay. But if I hadn't revealed myself as a villain, I would have hated myself for the rest of my life. I would have done the killing for you, and then you would have died with me. So either way, this is better since I will die alone.

I remember every bad deed I ever did too. I wrote them all down in the journal under my bed. Do you remember? You saw a kid crying on the street one day and helped them up, bandaged their scratches and gave them a journal. That was your first act as a hero and your fist contact with you enemy, me. I was five then and I'm older now so I know who you are, but then, I thought you were an angel helping people as you did, and everyone loved you right away like magic. I felt conflicted then, in love, but hating you for being loved. I loved you more than I loved myself and I hated you for it. I guess that's why I'm a villain and you a hero.

I won't tell you the passcode to my journal so that you won't feel pressured by it, but it's there in the box under my bed. Honestly, if you knew me well enough, you could easily figure out the code. But I suppose that we never really had a chance to talk huh? I was so busy fighting you and convincing you that I was evil, you might not even know my own name. That's alright. Just call me the nameless one.

This must be your first time seeing my face too. It's ugly isn't it. That's why I was so misunderstood I think. It's because people were afraid of my face. You always wondered why I wore a mask didn't you? Who wouldn't. But now that you know, please don't hate me anymore. It's not my fault I was born with this face. It's not my fault it burnt in the fire at Hellmast. It's not my fault an eye was lost to an arrow at Kinlentt. But that's alright. It's not your fault either. I like to blame the curse. It makes me feel better. Especially if I tell my heart that the things in the journal weren't my doing, but the curse's doing.

I never actually ment to do some of the things in that journal. They were mostly accidents that just happened to happen. Especially Alyssa. I knew how much she ment to you. I saw the post fall during the fight, and I honestly wanted to save her. I'm sorry. I know these are bad memories, but I think I will feel better explaining myself. If you hadn't stabbed my arm right then, I would have been able to save her. But please don't blame yourself, I'm sure you've already done enough of that. If I had saved her, all the fighting we did, all the deaths I cause, of my own people mind you, well it all would have been for nothing. You would have stopped the fight and tried to talk to me.

I remember that moment when you saw her though, you saw my out stretched arm and then her, and thought that I had done it. You hated me even more, which was good. However, I remember the feeling in my stomach. It was all my fault. I had actually killed someone who had wanted to live. All my soldiers were people who wanted to die in the best way possible. But Alyssa wanted to live. I almost took off my mask the tears were so bad. I left then, and that was for the best. The nightmares still haunt me you know. It's painful to even think about.

If you still think I'm a villain, fine. If you still hate me, all the better. You should. I was evil, I hurt people, and I cause the death of your love. Just please don't like me. Please don't greive for me. Remember me and our fights and use them to better society. But don't try to save my reputation and more importantly DON'T SHOW THIS TO ANYONE ELSE. Hopefully you won't actually find this, but if you do, don't let word get out about me.

I'm sorry for dumping this all on you. Forget about all of it okay? Just get healthy and live your best life from now on. I'm sorry for all the trouble and all the fights and everything you have gone through. If possible, I wouldn't have done any of it. Just think of me as a flaw on the Earth that you fixed and live happy. This is for you hero, please live on.

Your enemy once again,
The villain of our story

Tears poured from the hero's eyes. The villain, a nameless little girl, lay on the floor covered in her own blood. He looked at his hands and then at hers and realized that his were more stained than the ones of the villain. He, a supposed hero, had just killed a beautiful, misunderstood, lost little girl, who was half his age. He had taken her life just in order to save his. The selfishness of that action felt heavy and burdensome. What was the difference between them anyway? Gender, age, height, none of that seemed to matter. The hero turned out to be a villain, and the villain a hero. How ironic. The girl was right too. He knew nothing about her. Not her name, not her age, and he didn't even know the color of her hair before today, he had never seen it afterall. Even Alyssa wouldn't have known, and she always said that the hero should try talking to the villain. What would he do now? Now that he knew the villain's secret?

The hero stood up and wiped tears from his eyes. Looking around, he found the journal from under the bed, but just as the girl had wrote he couldn't open it. Stumbling, the hero fell to the ground, promising to himself that he would never again kill anyone he didn't know well enough to kill. The villain's last words would forever ring in his head through the rest of time and the letter saved where only he could find it, engraved in his mind.

"This is for you hero, please live on."

© addiworks

#hero #villain #lifeanddeath #letter #sorry