

I lost my true friend
Guys do know, I lost my true friend that is myself. I consider myself as my true friend. But, due to some cicumstances it get lost. Means I'm not able to find myself now wherever I go, with anyone I meet, but I am unable to find myself.

I want to meet with myself again, I want my true friend again, but nobody understand this thing, that what I want. I think that I leave everything, I leave every person and want to go at that place where I meet with myself with my true friend forever.

But, this is not possible for me yet. I am missing my true friend daily and sometimes I feel grief also and ought to cry that I lost it from 4 years. And now, after all only one option is left HOPE, when all the ways get closed than there is a way which is never closed is HOPE. And, I also hope that will meet my true friend soon.

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