

Again, I flipped through my diary and realised that I had a lot to be thankful for. To you, Mr. and Mrs. Phiri, I write again.
I was a kid with a vision to become what I am today, but I never thought that I was going to become. With limited resources that mom and dad had at that time, it made me to have second thoughts that maybe it was never meant to be. You gave me a platform to make that vision a reality that most of the the young men my age, wish they had.
I write not to boast, but to be thankful for what you have done for me and for what you are still doing now. Words are not enough to describe my heart felt gratitude.
Indeed, you are my guardian angels. May the favor of the Lord endure forever more upon your lives. Despite all that used to happen, you'd always say to me that, "acquire knowledge in every phase of life, for it is a tool that shapes the world". How precious are these words.
For now, this will do. Words are not enough again. Thank, Mr. and Mrs. Phiri...End!!!

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