

A Bittersweet Experience
Someone once said that losing a loved one is like losing your limbs.
One minute you are standing tall; unsuspecting and happy. The next minute you are neck-deep in sorrow; begging for the world to end so you can escape the pain and anguish of your situation.
You can scream, cry, blame yourself, and the world for your loss. But, it changes nothing.
Sadly, I didn't understand it until it happened to me.
I wish someone had prepared me for what was to come. Maybe I wouldn't have been lonely, helpless, and frustrated as I was on the 27th of July, 2020. But then again, nothing can prepare you for the loss of a child.
We all have that unique date, on our calendar, that we set aside for unforgettable events. For some people, it is their wedding anniversary, while for others, it is their inception into a better life, but for me, it is the loss of my firstborn child, Chelsea.
July 27th, 2020 is a day I will never forget. Not in this lifetime or the next. How could I? I lost my baby girl today.
Talk about a Bittersweet experience, July 27th saw me through the best and worst of emotions.
All in the space of one day, I experienced the joy of fatherhood for the first time and the awful pain of losing a beloved child.
It was nerve-wracking!
My sweet angel, Chelsea, was a beauty to behold. If only you had met Chelsea before she departed from us, you would have loved her too. She was special.
Chelsea had such a beautiful face and skin. She was sweet beyond words, calm like the morning dew. Surely, Chelsea's complexion would have lit up a room full of candles if given the opportunity. Even now, I feel her soft, delicate hands clutching my fingers as she struggled to draw breath.
My heart breaks into a thousand pieces each time I think of her suffering in the cradle. She was so fragile, so delicate, so helpless.
Yet, I couldn't do anything to help her. Even the doctors couldn't help. we tried our best to save her, but it was all to no avail. We even invited the best minds in the medical field to help us save our beautiful girl, but that failed too.
When medicine failed we prayed. But it was not meant to be. Her assignment was short, and there was nothing anyone could do to prolong it.
So like a flame in a raging storm, our daughter departed from the world.
My wife felt devasted, and so did I. She cried, I cried, and we grieved for a long time. But, through it all, we kept our faith.
God has a plan for all of us. Even though his plan for taking our little girl, before we got the chance to name her Chelsea, is still a mystery, we know that he has good intentions for us. So we kept on believing.
In our grieve, the Lord told us that He would turn our scar into a story, and our testimony will bless and encourage generations... And for our shame, He will give us a double blessing.
We didn't even have to wait long for his promises to come to pass, We are experiencing them now. Just like he said in the book of psalms, chapter 30 verse 5;
"weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning".
Friends, I am happy to tell you that our joy has come. God kept his word, and my wife got pregnant with his promise.
I can't begin to describe the wealth of joy that fills my soul, at this moment. Even as I share this joyous news with you.
Yes, we may have known sorrow in the past. But, he has turned our mourning into dancing.
A new light has shined upon us, and it has come to stay.
Today, I stepped into the hospital with praise in my mouth. The God of new beginnings has changed my story, and never again will I mourn. He said my scar will become a story that will transform generations to come, and he stays true to his words.
Today, I am happy to tell you that he has kept that promise. Another angel has been sent to us to fulfill the assignments of God here on earth.
So join me in praise as we welcome my sweet angel to the world!

© shalex