

A Bittersweet Experience
Someone once said that losing a loved one is like losing your limbs.
One minute you are standing tall; unsuspecting and happy. The next minute you are neck-deep in sorrow; begging for the world to end so you can escape the pain and anguish of your situation.
You can scream, cry, blame yourself, and the world for your loss. But, it changes nothing.
Sadly, I didn't understand it until it happened to me.
I wish someone had prepared me for what was to come. Maybe I wouldn't have been lonely, helpless, and frustrated as I was on the 27th of July, 2020. But then again, nothing can prepare you for the loss of a child.
We all have that unique date, on our calendar, that we set aside for unforgettable events. For some people, it is their wedding anniversary, while for others, it is their inception into a better life, but for me, it is the loss of my firstborn child, Chelsea.
July 27th, 2020 is a day I will never forget. Not in this lifetime or the next. How could...