

It Was my Fault
It was all my fault, the disappointments, the betrayal, the expectations even the heartaches. It was my fault I trusted you with my heart, it was my fault i expected so much from you, it was my fault that my loyalty didn’t mean anything to you, it was my fault that I had so much faith in you. I always used to blame myself for things I didn’t have control over, it even led to me believing I was the problem. It is only now that I understand that we can’t control anyone’s actions and reactions in any given situation. we sometimes think that people will do as we do, or we expect them to react a certain way because that’s how we would react. The sad part is no matter how much you think you know someone they can instantly change and become something you never thought they were. It is saddening how we go day by day teaching people how to treat us and they never learn, reason being they only understand you from their own level of perception. Most people don’t know the value of loyalty, because they’ve never felt the true pain that comes with betrayal. For your own peace and sanity always refrain from hurting yourself by having high expectations for others and stop blaming yourself for things you have no control over. Find it in you to make peace with things you can’t change and focus your energy on things that benefit you and make you happy.
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