

The woman in my life (episode 1)
It's not always mandatory that if you suffer and go through hard times, you will have to choose the negative aspects of your life. Life is a much vast subject than you can imagine. What I saw was maybe not that enough that destiny kept giving new lessons.
When we feel pain and go through a certain period of trauma, we assume that it's the worst-case scenario happening to us and in our life. But when I traveled in trains, I looked outside the window and saw small children roaming around without clothes, without food, faces, and body covered with dust and Grimm. I imagined what they might go through every day in their life, how they even manage to get food twice a day. Or maybe even a single time in the whole day.

In that case, I had food, shelter, a cute family, a decent job, good education, so-called friends. So you know, we all have our part of destiny. We all have our part of sorrows, worries, pain, relief, happiness. But we almost every time think that what we have seen or suffered is the ultimate. But the truth is we have seen nothing and can not even imagine what next is coming for us.
I was not very good of a student as compared to others in my batch till a certain class because of mental trauma, and domestic violence captured my thoughts and always kept me in a state of fear.
I was literally too small to see the amount of rage and domestic violence against my mother and me.
Why, always a woman is answerable to her family, husband, and society for what she does in her personal life. A woman who is a successful doctor in her professional field is liked and appreciated by her colleagues. Respected and loved by her seniors and juniors. But if she returns home after her office hours and is late. Why it's only the woman who has to answer all kinds of sarcastic questions and stand up for a trial every night, and every day she returns late.
However, her loyalty and honesty are well known in the hood.
Her jolliness and smile cured so many hearts and wounds.
Being a medical officer, she always believed in the true nature of life and its positive aspects. She couldn't see a single man and woman suffering. Their pain caused her heart to melt within seconds. She stood up for them, no matter what. But to her husband, she was just a woman he married and had sex with. He never acknowledged the real virtue and feelings of marital bonding. All he knew was that he had the right to rage against her and beat her up and torture her and yes, rape her too whenever he wanted.

Is that what a man should be?
Just because we have a dick, does that gives us the right to torture and play with the self-respect of a woman, especially when it's one's, own wife.

And all the queries and investigation goes against the woman, the wife, the mother, the sister.

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