

The Greatest fool is not one who never in his life attended Primary, Secondary, College and University. But one who has gone through all the famous institutions, and has obtained for himself the highest respect could be the greatest fool on Earth and in Heaven when he denies the existence of the Creator of the Universe.
He is a fool who denies the existence of that Creator who is the Cause of all Causes, He who has infinite and immeasurable knowledge, He whose presence transcends and fills the entire Universe, He whose Power or Dunamis is known and felt throughout the Universe from country to country, from one corner of the Earth to the other, and He who controls the rivers, seas and oceans.
He who acknowledges the existence of God and worships Him though poor, uneducated, unpopular and insignificant in terms of the standards of the world, is wise and safe.
The teaching of the ancient Scriptures goes on and is not silent. It says: ' He who trusts in HIMSELF is a FOOL, but he who walks in WISDOM is SAFE.' The Scriptures go further, ' The teaching of the WISE IS A FOUNTAIN OF LIFE, THAT A MAN MAY ESCAPE THE SNARES DEATH. '
Those who deny the existence of God quickly set their Homes and Nations on fire and are always ready to make trouble with one another, and do not even hesitate to make war with other Nations in total disregard of the Natural Law of our Conscience and International Law.