

Salutations beautiful souls

Starting the journey of exploration, allow me to unfurl the tapestry of my being, Aquila Tarazed. Though not my given name, this chosen mantle bears a wondrous tale, woven with threads of reflection and discovery. In the vast expanse, amidst celestial grace, Tarazed gleams, in Aquila's embrace. Second in magnitude, yet first in might,
A beacon urging souls to ascend to greater heights.

In the firmament's tapestry, as part of an eagle's flight, symbolizing sincerity, authenticity, in its luminous light. Magnificent and resilient, in the face of cosmic strife, Fearless and prudent, guiding seekers through life. With influence profound, a guiding star above, Tarazed whispers of liberty, in the language of love. In its radiant glow, aspirations take flight, A constellation of virtues, burning bright.

Whosoever you may be, in this boundless night, may our radiance merge, igniting skies with light. Together, let us blaze, in unity's grand scheme, uniting as a brilliant star, in one luminous beam. No longer solitary, but joined in cosmic grace, Our brilliance intertwined, in a celestial embrace. As one celestial body, in the vast expanse afar, Let us shine as one, as a single, resplendent star.

© aquilatarazed

#prologue #introduction #aquilatarazed