

The 80s young adults vs The 2020 young adults
This is a very interesting subject that I was asked to write about recently. I almost didn’t because of the 2020 young adults ((cancel culture)(The New ignorant American)(Tantrum Nation) Those who have no respect for anyone’s opinions except their own. Now I will say for the 40 percent of you who do not fall under this category I am sorry but this was asked of me and now I’m going to compare the two generations.
In the last part of the 70s and beginning of the 80s we were not the perfect generation of young people but what we did have was respect,morals ,common sense and the courtesy to listen to our elders and piers on their ideas without attacking them or making them feel uncomfortable or beating them down because their ideas didn’t fit what we thought it should
We listened and talked about it sometimes we went away mad and sometimes they did ,but that was it Our morals were different we didn’t think robbing taping and murdering was a acceptable and people should be let go right away to commit more crimes but this generation allow innocent people to be killed and hurt and says the victims are the criminals
The 2020 generation can’t hold a conversation about anything without any attacking people who disagree with them
Violence is their answer for everything. Their lack of understanding or research on any subject is disgusting.They just jump to conclusions and attack not caring who they hurt or what they destroy. burning down neighborhoods but no realizing that the place they are burning down ,are the same place people that they are supposed to be helping ,now they have nowhere to shop or see their doctor shopping , because they don’t think