

The Caged Bird
In a small town in India, there lived a girl named Meera. Meera was a bright and lively girl, full of dreams and passion, especially for dancing. She loved to dance. Whenever she heard music, her feet would start moving, and her heart would feel light. But Meera had one big problem—her parents.

Her parents were very strict. They believed that girls should behave in a certain way. They would often say things like, "A girl should not go out too much," or "You should focus on your studies and not waste time with friends." Meera wanted to go out and enjoy life, but she had to obey her parents.

When she told them about her dream of becoming a dancer, they laughed and said, "Dancing is not a good profession for girls. You should think about a stable job." So, Meera, feeling sad but wanting to make her parents happy, studied hard and joined a company that was not her choice.

At work, Meera felt trapped. The job was boring, and the pressure was too much. Her heart longed for the rhythm of dance, but she was stuck in a world that did not understand her. Whenever she tried to talk to her parents about her struggles, they would dismiss her feelings. "You are lucky to have a good job. Stop complaining!" they would say. They cared more about society's respect than their daughter's happiness.

Meera felt like a caged bird, longing to fly but unable to escape her confines. Days turned into months, and the weight of her unfulfilled dreams grew heavier. She spent her nights dreaming of dancing freely, but each morning, she woke up to the harsh reality of her life.

One day, after a particularly difficult week at work, Meera could not take it anymore. She felt lost and alone. In her heart, she believed that no one understood her pain. In a moment of despair, she made a tragic decision. She felt that she could no longer live in a world where she was not free to follow her dreams.

Her parents were shocked when they found her. They could not understand why their daughter, who had everything, would do such a thing. They were too late to realize that their strict rules and lack of support had pushed Meera into a corner from which she saw no escape.

Meera's story is a reminder that every dream deserves a chance to fly. Sometimes, we forget that love and support are the wings that help our loved ones soar. In the end, she was a beautiful dancer, but her dance was silenced too soon—a caged bird that never got to fly.
© Nishmitha Kotian