

Narrow chapter 6
Morning came sooner than Victoria thought.

It happened like that every day. She'd stay wake all night and suddenly a tiny Ray of light would make her jump,normally such rays of light brought hope, but no this one was only a reminder of the hell her life had become.

She slowly stood up from the floor where she sat all night she went to the fridge there was a gallon of milk lying there she wanted to drink it. But the thought of her mom yelling few hours later, made her less thirsty , probably not thirsty at all.


She closed the fridge and went towards her room.

"Couldn't sleep at all"A voice said

"Didn't leave at all?"Victoria said

Holding the door knob and not looking back to check who it was.

"I Didn't want to leave you with her" the voice said coming close.

"You never had a problem with it before" Victoria said still not looking back.

"Your mom said you should come with me, she said you're not okay" the voice said again.

"Mom says alot of things dad, doesn't mean she's always right." Victoria said pressing the door knob.

"You're still mad at me aren't you?"

'Not mad dad". She said now facing him.

"Disappointed that's the word"a tear went down her cheek she entered her room and locked the door.

'I'll be here when ever you want to talk" her dad said staring at the door.

" Like you'd understand" she said as she reluctantly  arranged her dress.

"I'll be here when ever you want to talk" she mimicked him  as she rolled her eyes" that's something you should have said years ago 'dad'."

Victoria undressed and went into the shower. she recalled past events majorly painful ones her father's word annoyed her,the cold water tried cooling the heat emitting from her body one she paid no attention to.

"Papa!papa! Don't'leave" Victoria's voice echoed throughout the entrance of their house as she rolled in mud crying. She held her father's leg but the man never looked back he only dragged her through the mud,until he eventually shove her off his leg.

"come Victoria, leave him. He doesn't want us he doesn't love us"
those were the words her mother sang to her as she pulled her away.

Those words were sing till date" he doesn't want us he doesn't love us" killed Victoria slowly but what could she do what could a three year old do but cry,confused and abandoned.

Victoria banged her head on the bath room wall as she cried "he didn't want me. I spent years asking my self, why didn't he want me why didn't he love me?. And he shows up one day swearing love to me and telling me he'll  be there for me" tears pour down her eyes but the water washes it off.

He loved her dad, but she couldn't forgive him not for the way he treated her or her mom. he turned her into a drunkard, Victoria grew up alone no one taught her how to comb her hair, no one dropped her off at school she walked all the way there no one was there when she had her first menstruation or when she became a teenager. Her so called 'parents' don't even know her favorite colours they were strangers living under the same roof.

She's done everything to gain attention she's been suspended, she's broke glasses hurt her self stayed awake all night screamed at night she's even gone as far as running away from home once and nothing. No one looked for her when she eventually came back her mom's only  words were    "dinner's ready" and then nothing.

Victoria was swallowed deep into her thoughts that she forgot she left the shower on she put it off and got out dried her self with her towel once she was out she rarely wore a towel after  a bath, since no one ever passed by her room who would walk in.

no one, not like any one cared she got dressed up and left  the house for school she didn't bother to say good morning or good bye it didn't matter she had come to terms with the situation.

she was alone.

And at some point she felt it was for the best.no she convinced herself it was for the best on her way to school she opened her phone and saw messages from Cole

"Hey,how are you? Good morning hope you're good am off to school."

She smiles.'at least he cares'

she got to school quickly but she noticed something, she was bleeding from her nose.

"Victoria"  a voice said it was Liliana, her friend with benefits.

"What's wrong 'she said noticing the blood dripping from her nose. She didn't pay any attention to the dark circles around her eyes she was probably used to it by now.

"I don't feel so good"  Liliana heard that every day but today was different because she was bleeding "come with me" she said as the went to the principal's office all eyes were on Victoria even Liliana felt like leaving her there it wouldn't be the first time.

Victoria didn't seem  worried about the eyes that glared at her she seemed totally out of it.when they got to the principal's office the man only made rude remarks about how she went home so frequently, and how her parents never obeyed all the instructions to summon them he went on about a lot of things.

For all he cared he was only waiting for one more reason to expel her from the school he relunctantly handed the permission letter to Liliana and he rolled his eyes .

" one more day you'll be marked absent,and you" he said pointing at Liliana "go back to class".

'but sir"Liliana said "she's bleeding from her nose not her legs if she wants to go home she might as well go home alone"

Victoria gave Liliana a look that was more of a bye than a I'll be fine not like Liliana was too worried."leave already!"  The principal  said as he went back to his seat.

That's  exactly what Victoria needed one more person that hates her. Life was becoming more unbearable each day.

And she didn't know how much longer she could hold on as her thread of endurance was slowly burning.