

New Music (Raine Eda fanfic)
Raine and Eda have been friends for 6 months. It all started at a witch competition where Raine impressed Eda with their cool bard magic. The both of them had teamed up for whatever the plant coven leader had thrown their way.

~Eda's POV~
I hear a knock on my door and run to see who it is. It's my best friend.
"Raine! Hi how are you?" I ask them.
"Hi Eda. I'm good. There's this place I think we should check out. You're going to love it when you see it!" They tell me.
"OK but I have to change first. These pajamas aren't the best adventure suit. Come in while I get ready."
"Hi Lilith," they wave at my sister on the couch. She's studying for the Emporer Coven tryouts. They're a month away but she loves being prepared.
Lilith looks up. "Hi Raine. Wanna quiz me?"
"Oh um sure!" Lilly hands them her book. I run upstairs to my room.

I put on my jock jacket and a pair of ripped pants. I comb my lion mane of hair then run downstairs. "I'm ready for whatever you've got! Where are we going?" I ask Raine.
"It's a surprise. Come on!" They say and we frolic around town.

We climb this massive mountain that has a beautiful view of the whole town. "Woah. Is this the place?" I ask them.
"Yeah. What do you think? Do you like it?" They ask.
"I love it. You were right."
"That's not the only thing," they play a few notes on the lute and a picnic blanket sets up a nice picnic.
"Woah did you self teach yourself that?"
"Yeah. Want to sit down?"
"Of course! My legs are killing me." We sit down next to each other.
"So Eda, you remember how happy I was when I got my violin, right?" They ask me and I chuckle.
"Of course I do. You wouldn't stop playing it everywhere you went for weeks. Whenever you got lost I'd just listen for the violin and follow it."
They laugh a little. "Yeah. I remembered you saying that you wanted to learn some bard magic so..."
"You got me an instrument?"
They do a circle in the air and I catch a falling lute.
"I sure did. Go on, try it out."
I squel. "THANK YOU RAINE! You're the best!" I kiss them on the cheek.

I pluck some strings and try to get used to the lute. They help me whenever I get notes wrong and we try to learn the instrument together. After my hands are sore, we decide to just sit in each other's company and enjoy the view. "Hey Eda, I- um you-" Raine starts to say.
"Raine are you ok?"
"I don't really know how to say this."
"Just try."
"You are the only person I'm comfortable playing in front of. You know I have stage fright, but as long as you're near me I feel like I can do anything. You inspire me Eda."
I almost cry. "Aw thanks. You know Raine, I've always looked up to you ever since that competition. I've learned so much stuff with you about magic and friends than if I never met you."
We hug each other. "Why are we being so nice all of the sudden?" I ask them.
"So at least if you hate me we still have one more good memory."
"Why would I ever hate you?"
"Because of what I'm going to ask."
"I could never ever hate you Raine," I tell them.
"That's good to hear. Eda would you like to... go out with me?"
"Like romantically?"
"Of course! Does this count as our first date?"
"Um sure!" We continue chatting and hold hands until the sun sets.