

Alphonis The Living Universe.
Amorra's Intro Part Two:

After the students and Ammorra were done with lunch and everyone came back into the classroom, Ammorra continued the story. Today they only had to learn about who and what they will protect since these kids will be in The Order like Amorra is. "So how the universe works is that it is only part of Alphonis, as said earlier, that is her veins. Now how does the universe function and why does Alphonis's veins have life in them? The universe is actually one vein with many small ones around the vein wall inside. So there are actually thousands of universes that each have miniture universes inside for better blood circulation to Alphonis's twenty hearts and her other organs. You guys are in your inner forms at childhood but after your training, you will see her outer form and you'll be rewarded greatly for being in The Order." she said until a greater one asked, "You're in The Order, what's the rewards?" "The rewards are more power and the chances to be promoted all the way up to a high commander or a secret keeper, which has great trust to know all about Alphonis and highly classified information about our enemies and also our scientist's most secret work." she explained. The kid nodded his head then waited for her to continue. "Now how the universe functions... Most matter types in space is actually her blood, which makes up the largest substance in the universe and holds trillions of different other things and substances. Stars are actually called heating blood cells. After Alphonis hit her main growth spurt around six months of age, her growth needed to slow down. So her blood cooled over time to slow her growth. Stars are needed to keep her blood from freezing completely and to also burn out viruses or forieghn substances. When Alphonis's body changed, it caused massive star, planet, and astroid collisions because her blood traveled at its fastest. Galaxies can have over a hundred billion stars in them, galaxies are basicly like kidneys for her blood so they clean out her blood and are very important to keeping her blood warm enough to flow. Dark matter has been in Alphonis's family for the couple generations, but her body had many other elements so wasn't completely made of it. Dark matter can be harmful to her if produced too much but it actually works better than three hundred thousand galaxies together at devouring viruses. Black holes are similar to dark matter, they do the same thing but in smaller areas and actually work harder to rid potientally bad substances in her blood. Black holes can actually be more harmful if produced too much. The reason we exist is because we are germs that make up our own choices to be benefical or harmful to the place we were born in such as a planet or even a part of space as your home. A planet is not a cell type even though it's smaller than her blood cells, it is an premature egg that if she became pregnate, life started in her veins. Planets don't usually get completely destroyed when a premature baby hatches out of it but it takes a few ten thousands of years to heal for the next time. Up to three premature children hatch out of each healthy planet and up to two in a dwarf planet then grow enough to hatch out of her veins to move into her uterus and to get the attaching of the umbilical cords then grow until they are ready to be birthed. She has the most painful pregnancy but not too harmful because she heals quite fast and it doesn't harm others unless something causes the transfer out of her veins to slow or stop. So those are basic facts about your leader so questions?" Amorra said as she turned to the class who looked a bit lacking in color. Exept one girl who raised her hand with a curious look on her face. "Yes?" Amorra asked. "If up to three babies can come out of one planet then how many does she give birth to?" she asked. "Generally up to twenty five, yes, a lot more hatch in total out of planets but most actually don't survive the transfer. "Anything else?" Amorra asked before the alarm went off for everyone to go home. She nodded her head and she began to finish her own work up then went to the Solstice temple, where The Order lives in Alphonis's outer form.

© Alphonis Kafel