

Choose One Way in Your Life
Once Their Was a child, who just want to become Popular in its Life....
So That He used to Think All the Time What Can he Do So he can Become Most popular person of This world....
He All Time Think but Not Putting That much efforts To Become Something Different From Others....
One Day Him Mother Told him ...Success Come to Those Only Who Work Silently and Give Their All Time To their Work.....
After This all , He agreed to her Mother...
Then He Started Figuring outing That What can he do So he can make her dream into His Reality......Then He choose To Become Doctor....He choose her Way to become...After some much hardwork.....He become Most Popular Person of This World....
Putting Efforts in Anything which you like To Do.. It makes You Different From others....Because No One is better than you....Just Believe in your self...