

A Sad Life
So hi brothers and their sisters, I am 12 year old girl who is ready to ruin your mood with this story and its sad ending. But still, enjoy.

She wiped off her tears and put on a fake smile, once again like everytime. THUD! She flinched hard, as the door revealed her stepmother, with anger surrounding her face. “Why are you still not ready?” She yelled as loud as hell. Nova quickly started doing her morning routine. Well, this was usual for her, but still hurt her a lot. “Why can’t someone love me? Am I that bad?” She asked herself every day, thinking how different her life could be if her brother did not leave so abruptly. Like ever, she finally got ready, just to come downstairs and be slapped hard on her cheeks. Her stepsister asked her, “oh! Are you okay? I did that by mistake. Hope it didn’t hurt you, sweetheart.” She burst out laughing when her mother approached the girls. She said, “ Go wash your hands! You can’t eat with those hands, you touched her already. Don’t you remember that she is bad luck and just a burden for us?” Well, this was enough to break Nova’s heart. It pierced her heart’s every inch, though she was used to this. After letting down some of her tears, she sat at the breakfast table, had her meal, and left for her university . She reached, but bumped into a girl. Or.. a monster. Yes, she is also a part of the witches who used to abuse the innocent soul for absolutely no reason. “Darling, where were you yesterday?” She asked, with an evil smirk on her face. “ Leave me alone, Jessica. At once.” The victim said, with the usual cold and sad look in her eyes, her face down. But was Jessica ready? Of course not. “ So now you have the confidence to tell ME to leave you,huh? What will you even do? No one can do anything. So, maybe you should put your energy in screaming, rather than defending yourself.” She said, trying to control her laugh at Nova’s confidence. But yes, it had awakened her inside demon that had enough power to convince her to torture the blameless creature. She pulled her hair mercilessly, totally ignoring the pain faced by Nova, who was screaming for help. “Dear, is it paining too much?” Jessica said, still holding her braid and pulling it. She told one of her gang members to take Nova’s bag. “No! That’s mine! IT HAS MY ASSIGNMENT!” But who was even gonna listen to her? The students of the whole college were also so habitual to this, they just looked and left. And yes, there was a reason behind no one being able to help her. Jessica was the Principal’s daughter. She could do anything she wanted to. She was not like that in her childhood. Instead, she used to be Nova’s best friend. They even gifted each other ‘bff’ lockets. But now Nova realised that Jessica was the Biggest Fake Friend of her life. Well that BFF still made some sense. Nova was naturally intelligent, but Jessica was not. Eventually, she grew jealous of her. One fine week of school, Nova was absent due to high fever. Jessica gossiped to her ACTUAL best friend- Ritika about her. One of their classmates and Jessica’s seat partner Jack heard this. He had grown feelings for Nova, but never had the courage to confess them to her. He told Nova everything when she came back to school as he did not want has crush to love someone even as a friend if she hated her. Nova was hella shocked. She confronted Jessica due to god knows what reason, and then realised what she had done. Her parents had already planned in what college she had to take admission as she was in eleventh already. Unfortunately, Jessica’s father came out to be the college’s principal. Knowing that her parents would not change the fact that she was going to be a student of the Prezella College for such a small reason, nothing about her future changed.She just ignored the fact that Jessica and she were in the same college. But this could not be ‘ignored’ anymore. *getting back to the story* Anna, Jessica’s gang mate took out the assignment purposefully, to irritate Nova even more. “Is this yours-” Anna was interrupted when a teacher, walking through the corridor saw her. “ Go to your respective classrooms, the lectures are about to start. I wonder what you all are doing here.” Said Ms. Shelly. “I won’t leave you so easily, honey” Jessica threatened and warned her at the same time. Nova just walked to her classroom. She sat on her bench and heard someone calling her. “ Hey Nova!” She turned back and saw Jack with a smile plastered on his face. “Hi..” she said in a calm yet broken tone and expression. He came to her and asked “Can we sit together?”. “Sure.” She replied, Jack for the first time saw a real smile on her face, though it was very small. “If it is so easy to keep her happy, I promise that she will never be sad once we get close.” “Umm.. Jack?” “Oh.. yes” he said and smiled to her. And that’s how the hours passed by. Finally, university got over. Nova went to a café. Not to relax and eat, but to work. Yes, she was forced to work even after her hectic university. After all, torture was a synonym for her life. After work, she went to a nearby grocery store to buy the things her stepmother asked her to. She took out the list from her purse and bought everything it said. She went home and was welcomed by a familiar slap. “WHAT DID I EVEN DO NOW?” she shouted her lungs out, tired of this everyday abuse she was bearing. “What took you so long?” her stepmother asked. “Th-there was a long queue in the store.” she said,as her stepmother snatched the bag of groceries from her hands. She inspected everything and gave the bag. Nova went to the kitchen. She started cooking and served the food. After everyone ate and slept, she sat to eat her own share. She was just thinking about her ‘life’ and a stream of tears left her eyes. “God!What have I done to deserve this? Brother, where are you? What did I do, you left me so early! If you were with me, my life would be so different from this HELL!” And she continued crying. She looked at her pendent, which was the last memory of her brother, Alan. Only she knew what she was going through, what she was. tolerating eveyday. Then.. she thought of going to the bridge, which was the only and ultimate healer of her feelings. After around half an hour she cane back home and slept. The next day too was the same to her, except for Jack was absent. At night after having her dinner, she thought of completing what she wanted to do last night. Something familiar stopped her. It was worry. That too, for her ‘family’. She shrugged the feeling off and went to sleep. Next day, she woke up with headache. No one knew why it was like that, but she then thought that if she will stay home then she will have to abide with her surroundings. She ignored the headache and did her routine. She left for university, but till the end of it the pain worsened. She was feeling extremely dizzy as well. She went home after informing the café that she won’t be available for the day. But at the moment, she went to the bridge. Yes, the bridge she used to go to everyday. It was quiter than usual, which she found really strange. The view from there was very beautiful, so many couples came here everyday to spend some quality time.She then went to the boundary. It was not very high so it was easy to fall. It was why it had Caution signs all over. But if someone like Nova too was scared of them, then who would dare to even come near the boundary? She closed her eyes and.. jumped in the water. Yes, everybody noticed, including Jack. Where did he come from? He was roaming there just for some timepass. He saw a familiar face and was about to go to her. But before he could even make her notice his presence, the creature jumped in the waters. “Wait! She doesn’t know how to swim!” she said in a little loud tone as he was noticed by everybody who saw the previous scene. He too jumped down and started searching for her. He saw a red and white dress, and without hesitating he rushed and carried the body to the shore. He started pressing her stomach and water came out of her mouth. She woke up and saw someone for the first time, who was concerned about her. Her eyes flooded with water once again, and she started sobbing hard. Jack said, “Calm down. What happened? Why did you jump from there? Are you okay?” and Nova hugged him tight. She was crying in his embrace. He was comforting her but she suddenly said “ Help I can’t breathe!” She started breathing heavily and passed out. Jack’s eyes widened as he picked her up and ran to the hospital. Thankfully, it was just walking distance away. The doctors took her to the ICU while Jack was a crying mess. The doctor came to him and Jack asked about Nova. “We are sorry but.. we could not do anything about it.” Jack held the doctor’s collar and said “I want her alive, or I won’t spare you!” in a loud and stern tone. “Sir, we know how you feel, but she was suffering from cancer and depression from a long time. If it was all treated in time, this may not have happened. We are very sorry.” And everything left him broken.He never thought that his life would take such a heartbreaking and painful turn all of a sudden. He asked the doctor “Can I see her right now?”. His eyes showed a little bit of hope even after this tragic conversation, which neither of them wanted to break. He was allowed to see his everything for the last time, as he entered the room with complete silence and looked at the body lying lifelessly on the bed. He went to her and hugged her. “Nova, open your eyes love, please. You can’t leave me like that! WHY did you do this? You left me alone?” He weeped in her embrace and placed a warm kiss on her lips. “I don’t know if you loved me or not. But one thing, I loved you, I love you, and I will always love you. You will forever have a special place in my heart. I promise.’ as he said those words, he closed his eyes and rested his head on her shoulder. After some minutes, the doctor came in and tried to wake up Jack. He became a little woried as he checked on him. He was worried as Jack was his childhood friend, and due to family matters, they could not meet each other for a long time. Due to this reason, Jack did not recognise him, but the doctor Jake did. He was stabbed with sorrow as he found him lifeless.

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