

Rough life (2)
23 June 2024


This day I woke up late ......not only late but also lethargic. By the way , this is how my morning looks since so many days. I always had planned to make my days productive but for so long my life have been giving me doses of anxiety, nervousness, demotivation and heartache. I have been skipping meals for so long and stopped drinking water ......I don't know how to stand up straight and many more issues occuring with my body , brain and soul . I am really devastated. But you what this rough phase taught me that even the closest one could be the unwanted person for you and even the stranger could feel for you , or may be that stranger is being nice because they are merely stranger.
But the passing moment taught me that you are meant to be alone . Your life , dreams , feelings are only precious to almighty God and your mother ...........