


Get out of my apartment you good for nothing girl, at 25 you still condemn my fiancé, let me tell you I don’t need your consent before I proceed to marrying Raymond. You are an heartless child what else do you want from me. I waited for you to finish your high school and even at your final year in the tertiary institution and all you could pay me back is restricting me from getting married to Raymond.
Tell me, tell me I asked again HAVE YOU MET RAYMOND BEFORE??? HAS HE DONE ANYTHING TO HURT YOU?? As I was about to answer my mum questions I felt a huge hand landed on my cheek and I don’t need anyone to tell me that it was my mum lover who had slapped me. I moved away sobbing quietly and heading back to the living room then my mum called out. Maryanne I’m sorry I don’t want you in my home again, I really love Raymond and I can do anything to please him.
I looked at my mum now with a teary eyes and thought is this what LOVE IS ALL ABOUT ?? I packed my things and remind my mom that does she know I have no where to go and I have no sources of income, she turned back at me and told me LEAVE MY HOUSE NOW this time in a loud voice.
I’m a final year student of North American University Benin Republic, so with the help of the little cash with me I traveled back to school from Lagos.
I got back to my hostel with red eye, I tried my mum’s number and she refused to pick and at a time she blocked me from trying to reach her. How I wish my mum knew who Raymond was then she would have never fell in love with him nor keep company with him.
My mum is a type of person who neither keeps friends nor relatives so there is no one I could tell about her. I tried calling her with other people’s phones but immediately she hears my voice she start laying curses on me. I let her be and prayed God keeps her.
I returned back to my normal routine and with the help of my colleagues I was able to get foods and sometimes little Cefa (Benin currency) to get things.
I was returning back from a stressful lecture few months after I couldn’t reach my mum, when I got a call from an unknown number and what The caller said made me stood dumbfounded 😭😭😭 No she can’t be dead oh no no no.
I rushed back to Nigeria, and got the shock of my life, saw my mum battered body with serious bruises at her body, I enquire from the person that called me and she told me that she was their neighbor and it was the loud cries of my mum that made her ran to her apartment and all she got was her lifeless body of my mum brutally stabbed and that her husband was about escaping he was caught.
I stood beside my mum’s corpse and mutter some words to her’’ Mum you never wanted to listen to me when I told you never to Marry Raymond, Even when I texted you with different number you still never believed me 😭😭 ‘ . Raymond is a wanted criminal in Benin republic, he is a drug addict and he is a step father to my course mate’ Regina’ it was one bad day when he had badly inhaled his drugs, he had a fight with Regina mum and during this fight he killed Regina’s mum and even Regina was also killed as she was planning to escape. Raymond fled after the incident and ran back to Nigeria, he was declared wanted but unfortunately the case was later closed and Raymond became a free man. Of course Raymond had met me twice during my visits to Regina place and the day my mum introduced him to me, he quietly threatened me never to tell my mum about anything or else I will also be dead. But mum(😭😭😭) I tried saying the UNSPEAKABLE but you never for once gave me the audience 😭😭
Rest in perfect Peace mum and I wish you had listened to my Unspeakable lines😭😭.


Dedicated to everyone whom are never given the opportunity to express themselves and whom many things remain Unspeakable for them. I Love you all
