

The Payback Story Of A Brother
We were posted at the LOC border. We were returning to our camp after completing a military operation. We found that Akhil was missing. us from Kanpur and was recently posted at LOC. We searched for him. We send a missing report to the headquarters, we went to the villages near our post. We searched for him for 8 days, but could not find him. But finally we found him on the 9th day. He was stuck at the enemy camp. They tortured him for 8 days. they had gouged out his eyes. They had cut two of his fingers and shoved a glass bottle into his rump and then they broke that bottle. After seeing his dead body, we were deeply shocked. We were shocked seeing their inhumanity. We had taken his dead body to his house. His mother was crying and father was wailing and his sister was yelling. But, on the 10th day, his younger brother joined the Indian Army recruitment programme. I asked him how he had felt seeing his brother lying dead in front of him. He answered me: Sir, I wept that whole day but finally promised myself to join military before immersing his ash. I will not take rest until I take my brother's revenge.

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