

Games are meant to deceive us
All kinds of games we play will teach what to do. Just like when we play Pubg,Roblox and Freefire, However it can cause kids to swear, kill and sin. Is there a way to stop playing games? Yes. How? If you're a gamer, delete games you play and do something new. Why roblox a popular game? It is the most downloaded app. There are many other things to do instead of being on the phone, computer and tablet. We ask God for forgiveness and don't go back to games/sin.
We people need to stay away from distraction. Stay focus on God and follow your dreams. We are living in our last days. The last days will come and We will have a recreated Earth. People of God will be in heaven while People who serve the Devil will die and be tormented. Be good to the Lord forever until you die.
© Light