

As I Continue my life transforming journey
well last night I decided to take a walk! as I was walking past this large party I heard loud music and screaming! typical for a big party! today when I went to lunch I was eating my sandwich and I look out to see two police officers one with a camera taking pictures! so I wondered why? then as I was leaving I found that they were counting bullets that struck the building! I later googled the shooting and found that eight people got shot mostly flesh wounds and one critical! I then thought if I went in my walk a few moments later I would have been right in front of tbs restaurant when it happened! It had to have been a well-planned event because one of my boys told me in the morning not to be seen that night! but I didn't know what he meant until today! as I look at things being on the slab at the morgue is not on my list! farewell new Orleans, LA not never coming back!!!!!
© William Stephen Foos