

DoH | The Atlantean Adventure, Scene 19
SCENE 19  Final Clash

Dexas: Now give me the key and the chest. Or else...
Robert: Or else?

Dexas: Sonde, bring those.....

[Another man entered there with two bags in one hand and a mechanical box-like thing in the other hand ]

[He was fully masked.]
[ Indy entered there]

Robert: Hey! That's Indy!
Guy: We're trapped.

Dexas: “Ha Ha Ha! Fools! You have underestimated the power of Dexas! Do you know who was Dexas? In ancient times, the Great Soriewoll Dexas, the most renowned general of Atlantis, diverted Athenians to Crush Atlas. Then he re-established this place in the name of 'DEXAS'. He stole jewels and treasures and hid those in the different parts of the world world.

Now I have the orb of life, my invention "Indy", and just I need the Sun Crystal which is in the box but sadly, I need that key, you have. Give me that!”

Jorge: We won't give it!

Dexas:  Your fingerprint, is also required to unlock the security lock of the Orb

Robert: But Indy!? Indy, Crush Dexas! Help us!!!

[Indy's gestures shocked Robert... It seemed evil]

Dexas: Ha ha ha, as soon as...