

Solist Evangelion: The traveller
The year was 1946, Longtown, New Haven, sounds of the smell of the morning dream, looking out,I see a rail cart passing by in the snow, men busy fending for their next meal, a district of hard work.
One very individual that morning, rose up from bed and started his mission, his ways of walking door to door delivering the word, good and evil. The solist knew not evil but goodness as the newspaper boy passed by. He went to a tarven, sat to cool off his steam after his days work, an orphan sitting next to him questioned him as a religious unbeliever about his mission and God. The solist replied saying "I'm he who speaks the truth, evangelize at the truth, becoming one with reality".
Nameless was bitter for he knew that was the truth but his life had made him see that there's no better place than the one he's in, an orphan who's family left behind on a farm and enjoyed their lives, after he tracked them down, he burnt their house with them in it, killing them, he confessed to the solist. Just then, the police burst in and took nameless away.
Awaiting his execution offered by the court's judgement, he awaited his death, fourteen days, on the last day, a man came whence none came, a man sent to deliver the word, the last man believed of light and darkness, the solist. Nameless said "If it be well with the stranger, can he give me a word to go?" And the solist answered "to go? Go where? There are three types of individuals the ones who are brave but are not at the face of death, another is the one who is afraid but doesn't admit it and the one who chooses his last moment either with family, friends or priest or a bartender or a solist like me." So, the solist shared his word with the convicted man as he wept and prayed with him for his hour approaches.
On the last hour, just before he was hung, the solist appeared again, asked "do you have any regret, sorrow or something, any last words, you'd like to hear or share?" The townsmen were angry at the solist saying "this is no place for a solist",the pastor who arrived late came unto the stage, read the Bible and prayed for him unseriously and laughed. Just then, the solist asked the pastor, "does this mean not deserve salvation, the truth?" The pastor answered "this is just a job I do, you'll get used to it" and the solist replied "used to? no, we are men of hope, delivering words of hope and peace to everyone, living or dead". The pastor was surprised at his faith and left shamefully.
The nameless individual said to the solist and pastor just before he left "thank you, for not giving up on me, thank you, now, can I have one for the road? The solist and the pastor said "Yes, may God be with you, traveller".
After he was hung, the pastor never laid eyes upon the solist again, till his day of passing too had his son invited him to deliver the word by mouth to his father on his death bed because his son couldn't make it due to his busy schedule. The pastor said "faith must be working" and the solist replied "all faith belongs to God, for we are mere products of his works", they both laughed as he passed on.
The solist was the original traveller as we all are, we come, we go, the meaning of life, come and go. That ye may find peace.
Now, I write to you traveller, where's your next journey, that I may solicit with you in thine days.
Story, from the words of The Evangelion, I, we are nothing but travellers in this world.
© Ghost wrighter