

And.. it’s going to be tonight
Seriously.. I almost can’t believe it as I lay there searching my thoughts. I can’t do anything other than stare at the ceiling and let things sort of ‘sink in’.

Everyone kept telling me I should take the time off and I could never find the time. Seemingly instead, I’d find an area of the company or some aspect that needed a little work to ensure a smooth and steady flow of revenue. While some would probably tell you it’s well deserved, it’s not my choice as I was in the middle of something huge. Nonetheless, I’m here and well on my way and before long, I’ll be sinking my toes into the sand It seems I’ve worked my life away day after day but its paid off.

Soon, I’ll be sipping on one of those colorful drinks with the little umbrellas in them.

The waitress gives me the eye and I could’ve swore she winked.. . she at least smiled at me. Still two tables down from me, I caress her body with my eyes and envision what her sweet ass looks like. But.. that ass, I think I know this chic yet I can’t quite put a finger on it.

It’ll come to me.

After she’s done with the deadbeat next to me, she finally start to walk my direction.

Strawberry blonde hair falls just beneath her shoulders and she stops to pull it back into a ponytail. Gripping her pen between her teeth, she stretches the band around her gathered hair, twist, and pulling it back through again. Studying the familiar features if the dainty woman, the way she she walks, I search the depths of myself and just as she reaches my table-the restaurant phone is ringing.

She drops her miniature clipboard on my lap. ‘How convenient’ I think to myself as I half expect her to take her top off and hop onto my lap right then and there. Or, you know, at least reach down and pick it up.

The phone rings and she simply turns around to tend to assclown who’s ruining my time’ on the other end of that stupid fucking line.

As I watch her from across the room. I notice Her demeanor, the way about her, how she carries her arms slightly bent at the elbows.

“Yes?” as she answers the phone.

“Okay, yes, I did. Just one” she reaches down and picks up a cup of whatever the fuck she’s drinking. As she brings her lips to the straw; wraps them around. I remember how I know her and it comes flooding back as I realize who this beautiful fucking creature across the room, is.

College, I dated her off and on if that’s what you’d call it. I should’ve known by her dainty elegance and posture. Like a swan or something of that sort with such beauty and grace. But the way she wrapped her lips around that straw, brought it all back. I always wondered what happened to her or what had become of her life after we all went on to become the best and worst version of ourselves to display in a pathetic attempt at life. I had kept some sort of contact with most of the people that were close to me from the time, but she seemingly just disappeared.

But, her name! “Its like.. Tamara or Tamila or something like that. Fuck! what it is? Okay, think fucker-you’ve gotta remember before she comes back”

She’s typing something into the computer and I reminisce.

Her and I there, in my dorm room where she was riding me as I lean up to bite on her perky little nipple. My roommate sleeps across the room on the couch and the TV is playing with no sound. I can’t help but watch her facial expressions. Each one more pleasured than the last as she switches from 2nd to 4th gear on my junk’. I put her in neutral and get up to bend her over the front of the sofa which served as my bed during those years. Her knees are on the floor and I had a firm grip on her arms just above her elbows. I tell her I have something to give to her then asking her if she wants it. I kiss her small fragile neck before biting her on the shoulder from behind. I gave it to her like a Sophomore in College would probably fantasize about.

The moonlight flooded my section of the dorm at night which in turn, gave me the best view of her perfect round little ass.

“She liked it” I thought now, as I watch her hang up the phone.

Shit, she’s coming back over. Play it cool, ask her what she’s been up to, umm check the ring finger but either way, I’m fucking her again and it’s going to be tonight.

If I can only remember her fucking name. Fuck Fuck what the fuck did I call her?

It doesn’t matter now because she’s standing to the right side of me again. The words were just about to roll off my tongue like a batch of freshly picked fucking cherries and I notice her staring rather intently at something on my neck. She moves in closer and before I can get a word in she snatched her clipboard off of my lap where I realize it’s been sitting the entire time she stepped away’,

“Good going you fucking loser, now you seem like a fucking pervert”.

At this point she’s flipping through the papers on her clipboard when she abruptly stops and makes eye contact with me.

The guy next to me lets out a rather loud belch and then another.

She didn’t react and composed her professionalism although the continuous belching was followed by a terrible bout of flatulence.

What a fucking deadbeat, I thought.

She started to speak and the words that came out next were like an awaited tune I’d long been waiting to hear;

“I wondered if I’d ever see you again”.

I scoff a little as she brings a stroke of the pen into contact with the paper.

“can’t say I didn’t wish it were under different circumstances”

Just then, I could feel the blood drain from my face and then my neck and arms as my fingers become much colder now. I feel the pressure of the machine pulling out of me- what’s not already turned itself into a jelly like snotty substance.

Drifting off and it dawned on me, her name was Illiann; the lovely and beautiful Biology major studying to become a mortician.

© Granado.A