

Tamil protest
In this world some of the days were celebrated. For example , pongal, Reading day etc but we want tamilargal day on 25 June. in that day every school's , office and college should be Holiday . Every tamil citizens should come out and they should be proud to be a tamilan . in this world first first Language is tamil only not english . English came after tamil . That English always standing first in every county . I'm not telling that don't speak English . I'm telling that respect tamil and some more try to learn .

Many English and British poet Learned tamil and they written story in tamil .
I will tell small word in tamil .

தமிழன் .

I'm deciding that 25 June 2022 to many years after the world death tamilan's day should be celebrated .

You want's to come with me raise a hand .

-- indian writer

© Indian writer Darshan