

My Personal Growth Story: Easy Mode
It's quarter to one in the morning. I've made the mistake of having my phone in my bedroom rather than keeping it downstairs in the kitchen. I've been playing games and watching podcasts on YouTube. Tomorrow I will be tired and irritable and it will be my own fault. I am not very disciplined. I make my life harder than it needs to be. On a podcast a guy said that if you do all the things you should do like get enough sleep, eat well, excercise, you eventually get to a state of being he calls easy mode. You're fit enough, healthy enough and well rested enough that suddenly everything is so much easier. I really wish I was in easy mode. The problem is I find it so damn hard to get there. It's like you have to complete a game on hard mode in order to be allowed to play it on easy mode. That's what life is, some backwards game that starts on hard mode and you progress through the levels until you finally get to easy mode. But it's so easy to get stuck on the hard levels where you need all the discipline and motivation you can possibly summon. But that doesn't mean we should give up. Life is a good game, albeit a bloody hard one. We have to keep at it one day at a time. One level at time. We might fail and have to restart at the beginning of the level, but the game of life continues.
© Andrew J Sinclair