

The kitchen story of Alyona(part 1)
The kitchen story of Alyona( part 1)

"Oh my god, what have you both done to my kitchen, this is my shrine not a play ground in which you can play and create mess and go away. Out you both father daughter duo"

Mom entered her kitchen with an elegance of a Zephyr, but turned into a raging storm after looking at the mess which my dad ('Tissa') and me ('Alyona') " had created.
"But mom, you asked our help yesterday, after all it's not everyday that dad invites his friend and family at our home, see we cooked this yummy biryani and ya your favorite sweet dish too as dad insisted, to cook only your favorite dishes today."
" Oh my, enough of buttering, now let me clean this mess, see how that platform has become, as if a small kid just returned after playing in mud, look at that gas stove how it's looking at me with teary eyes, and all the utensils are complaining about you both, this is enough reason for me to never ask for your help, instead of helping you add piles of work in my already busy schedule, now can you both leave and let me start with cleaning.
" Shreya darling stop talking about nonliving objects and start focusing on living beings, atleast have some mercy on us, you are not even acknowledging our efforts" dad complained like a small kid...
To be continued...
#writcostoryprompt #writcostory #writco #kitchen #humour #sanhita @Sanh9292
© Sanhita Sonavane