

Daren is the name; softly intoxicating beauty. Won't say he's a getty bird but definitely gets any eye catching, heart melting and mind blowing commodity, yes commodity. You will want to explain the drama accompanying story of a man with an ostentatious, avaicious and little bit of a contrite personality because you don't want to miss sharing such enigma to your next door neighbor. Ha ha ha ha ha, a man like Daren right? Indeed he is a man like Daren. We'll all agree that a clear picture of Daren's life is like the map of Nigeria, needing a heart and mind as deep as the Mariana trench to comprehend it.
Dare Daren had a request he couldn't ask, a longing he had no idea of, he had a need he couldn't ponder on. Look deep Daren search harder. He did look and also searched but found nothing, and found it. What did he find? He found what he needed, his unknown longing. What exactly is that?.
In the time past, many years ago Daren was referred to as a dead duck. Que sera sera we'll say. He spent and was spent, a lot of people took enervating advantage of him and he laid low helpless. Depression set in, he really had a whole lot on his shoulder's.
"Samuel, I remember that name Samuel. He took me places, a trip without having to be a journey. Yes the beach I love so much and then my house? Could they all be real?" Daren asked himself confused as to what he saw in his dream recalling every detail about it. Daren realized all he ever needed to break lose from the unwanted grip his longings he had no idea of had on him had just been revealed to him but his emancipation cost a great deal. It is an entirely new trip but with a journey. Is Daren ready to expatriate?

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