

A scene from my story.
Chapter 25

Prepared and ready to go, Mei and I exited the building and headed for the bus stop. The journey there was quiet. Mei said nothing the whole time. We got on the bus. The moment we entered, I felt a chill down my spine, everyone's eyes met mine and it almost certainly felt like they were after me. Mei took a seat and pulled my arm down, snapping me out of my delusion. She held my hand and looked straight into my eyes.
'Dont be afraid. I'll protect you.'
'As if you can.' I chuckled then faced forward. This girl has quite an impact on me. Her kindness is rubbing off on me. Screw it.

We arrived at school and everything seemed normal, for now. Walking through the hallway, I sensed no danger at all. We walked towards our classroom with Mei in the front. A shadow from the past ran past  by me and grabbed my hand. A gun shot went off, followed by more and a terror of screams. I held Mei's hand tight as we ran behind the school.
'Looks like I got here in time.' Without hesitation I grabbed his blazer and slammed him against the wall.
'Its nice to see you again Shiro. How are you?' My body was burning with rage, teeth grinding and I kept pushing him against the wall.
'There really isn't any need for you to shout. I'm right here.' His calm tone agitated me even more.
'Yes well, the CIA doesn't know how to do its job. Now can you let me go, or do you want us to die here? Because their coming.' I let go of his collar and stepped back.
'Now then. To answer your question, I'm here to protect you and Mei and the first thing is to get you to the extraction point.'
'Who said I need your help? I'm fine protecting her on my own!' I shoved his hand away.
'Lady Misaki? Are you in need of my assistance?'
'Yes we are. Shiro, let him help.'
I looked at Mei then at him.
'Fine!' I groaned. 'Lets go.'

Chapter 26

We ran straight out the school gate, the air was filled with gunpowder as Him and I were exchanging bullets with the killers. Mei was right behind us.
'TAKE HER TO THE EXTRACTION POINT!' I ordered as I drew my sword from my bag. I got out of cover and ran straight towards them. Seventeen, all standing in one area, shooting. Amateurs. I avoided the bullets, cut those that I could see. Got to the first one, slit his throat. Second, kicked to the ground.
Third, took down and stabbed her head.
Ran in zig zag. Slid on the ground, picked up a gun, shot two in the head.
Deflected the bullets with my sword, cut four.
Kicked one on the head, beheaded six while spinning.
Shot one. And ran towards the last one.
Deflecting a rifles bullets are not easy but you have to play smart. Deflected while maintaining my balance running in zig zag. I tried to cut but he blocked with his rifle, hit me on the face, grabbed my arm and slammed my body on the ground. Stomped but missed. I grabbed his leg, broke his knee, kicked his other knee, broke it. He was unable to stand. Broke his arms. He didn't scream. Grabbed his head, twisted his neck.
The whole school was watching as I was panting from killing seventeen people all alone. I looked up at the faces that were in awe and some in disgust. I took a bow then ran towards the extraction point.