

prayer for war
Father God,

I thank you for the peace you give me clearing the clutter for me protecting me granting me the righteousness of Jesus you're only son who died for all sin. you Are Holy and evil cannot be near you although I have been subject to the evil plans of the enemy they are all canceled and loosed and cast into the abyss in the name of Jesus the evil plans and schemes of for me and my family are canceled and loose and cast into the pit in the name of Jesus the whole armor of God is applied to me and my entire family for protection from the evil one thank you for not leaving us ignorant to his ways so I can combat every fiery dart as we are equipped to fight the good fight of faith we thank you Father for Jesus sacrifice on the cross a debt we can never repay but since you are love itself we will do our very best to love and honor your holy name thank you Father God

Holy Spirit inspired
© jessie Randolph