

Weeks passed by. Alex could walk himself now. Andrew too could drag himself and step ahead. Charles and Jamie had looked for all entry and exit routes. The guard was perfectly fine and so was the new Naraba. People had started to develop it alongside accommodating hundreds of new arrivals. The village had grown quite vast.
Finally the night had come. It was the first of the many nights that followed. It was the night of the grand feast. The opening was full of pomp as the vibrance of the lights spread wavering radiance into the dark sky. Every tribesman was dressed in their ceremonial dress. The outsiders too wore great formals.
Andrew stepped onto the grass, slowly observing around the beauty that had come into the function. He found himself a seat, as performer tribesmen danced in the middle to the traditional music.
Suddenly, his eyes were set on a gorgeous, tanned damsel who was dressed in a white frock. The frock was embellished by a single large rustic amaryllis embroidered onto it. She had worn a lipstick of the same vibrance. Andrew's heart skipped a beat as the lady with the open curly waves sparkled at seeing him and was coming towards him.
The beautiful girl's face began to grow familiar as she came up close. It was Adana. Andrew was as completely new to this side of her as was everybody else around.
Andrew offered her a seat and they began to talk. Adana laughed cutely at all his jokes and saw Andrew getting interested. But when they started teasing each other, Adana asked about a past love. Andrew looked up at the sky and sighed. Adana knew what that meant.
"She was the love of my life. Samantha. And then we had a baby girl too. Her name was Gretchen", said Andrew sadly. "But then, life took them away from me". He had gotten way emotional.
Suddenly, two men disturbed them saying they too wanted to see the tribesman dance from a better position. Charlie looked at Adana and examined her from top to bottom. Adana noticed his eye and asked, "Where might be you two gentlemen from?". Charles grinned as he dragged his seat nearer in his macho style. "We used to work as car mechanists", said Jamie. "Hmm, those marks don't look like a mechanics to me", said Adana, pressing her two fingers onto Charles forearm on the table.
The performance was over. Ada came up amidst the lights and began her speech. "We, the people of Aziz tribe, are humbled to have our fellow humans from the Naraba city as our guests. As the chief, I once again welcome you all to our hospitality.
There are a few things we would like to mention upon your representative's suggestion. This settlement shall persist even after the disaster is settled. In this admixture, the new city shall become a new of its kind. The system will be set up soon by the council of these people.
The administrative system will be set up by me and Mr. Gosling", up went Mr. Gosling to stand by her. "The economic will be set up by our vizier, Jamil". "The education system and culture preservation will be in the hands of Mr. Vince", and Grandpa Vince stood as he walked happily to stand up there in his elderly tone. "Health administration will stay in the hands of healer Amanda and last but not the least, the defence and security policies will be made by Adana". Adana stood up gladly and went to stand in the council as Charlie realized that she was no ordinary girl.
The speeches began as the council told their vows and responsibilities. The administration was going to make sure they keep the population in hand. They would not want any food scarcity with the occupation of any farm land. It was going to collaborate ahead in looking for energy generating sites that will all be renewable.
Mr. Gosling also announced the construction of a windmill power station for stable power supply.
The vizier, Jamil came to the front. The economy will be based on trading food as it was growing short as well as their herbal medicines because medicines too faced a similar downfall. The clothes weaved by the women shall be used for simple trade. As the usage of power will be minimal here, they could also offer to provide electricity to nearby areas.
After him, came Grandpa Vince. He started by saying "I would like to request all the lecturers and professors that have come along with us, and all the preachers and elders of the tribe, to join me tomorrow in the making of a council. I will be trying to make efforts to unify both of the cultures. The new admixture shall have conservationism, minimalism and a sacred regard for nature. Our children shall be taught weaponry arts, natural medicine, spiritual and philosophical values as well as basic physics, chemistry and technology so that they may compete in the fast race of advancement in life". Saying so, he stepped down as the crowd clapped with cheers.
Amanda came forward and told all that she had been told about the modern medical advancements and that she will combine all the knowledge of both sides into a single course, that will pave the path of guidance for upcoming healers.
Adana lead ahead, as she promised to be a strong character of valour and would never leave room for any sort of bigots in the area. The soldiers on both sides shall be taught bird signals, arrows and sword styles, modern guns and advanced survival techniques in the wild. She would make sure the new Naraba becomes a peace haven in real terms.
Adana came back to find Charles and Jamie had left. "You are quiet a talented woman", said Andrew. She saw hope. "Well, I would not be boastful but I could show you around a few trophies".
She showed him to her tent. Andrew was impressed. She had won a lot of weaponry tournaments in the tribe since she was a little girl. "This one is my most favourite. This is for my technique in archery I have developed myself. I call it 'the raindrops'. Hope you never get to see it", giggled Adana.
They came out of the night and skipped the speeches. "Let me show you how a real walk in the wild is like". Andrew was growing more and more drawn. They went away towards a silent vegetation and disappeared. The path was a narrow one, densely flogged up by grasses on both sides. She was his guide, holding his hand as he could see nothing in the dark. An ascent started and after long, they came to a high mound from where they could look back at the village in its colourful festivity and hear cackles of joy. Adana, now held out her dagger and swiftly scathed into the grass around them circularly. She swirled in a dance so gracefully that Andrew was amazed.
As she stopped, the show began. Scores of fireflies came out of the grass as they levitated slowly and hung in the air. The sparkling view was one Andrew had never seen. Like Gogh's starry night in motion, they began to circle around them. Andrew saw a look in Adana's eyes. A look he had always seen in Samantha's eyes.
He held out his hand and asked her to teach him the dance. They grabbed each other's shoulders and waists as Adana began to guide him in slow motion. They could hear a mute music in their ears as none of them could take their eyes off of each other. Adana had won once again.
A week had passed. The news of the strong Adana and the outsider was passing silently along all ears. They had been seen going together for walks. Sometimes, she would bring him along to the guard's training sessions. She once taught him how to fire an arrow as she held his hand onto the same bow she had held tightly for him. Andrew's mechanical eye sensed her fluctuating temperatures when she was around him. She would appear colder than normal and acted shyly like a little girl in front of him. Andrew had felt the same inside.
"Did you get any answer?", asked Jamie. "Oh yeah. The man has agreed to pay in millions", said Charles. He had gotten the offer to transport the animal to the next city. Further, his men would be waiting for him with the bags. "That dear rhino has stayed safe enough behind 'going extinct'. One would not matter. There still will be six of them left behind to prosper", whispered Charles hiding away the dartgun in their bags in the tent. "But Boss, the land would be very rough. How will we drive it out?", asked Jamie, coming out behind him. "I have gone back to the city by an excuse. Tomorrow, my men will have brought that wrangler jeep with the wheeled cage. It will be parked for us in that part of the forest", pointed Charles from a high tree. "Now look around. The animals are grazing freely in that ravine like enclosure. It is covered on all the three sides by dense lush trees. Within them, the guards are hiding. The grassland of the rhinos connects to that plain land. It is a lot of distance so we have to look for a perfect opportunity and timing", said Charles explaining to Jamie.
"But boss, the news will spread like a wild fire. The communities would fall back into mistrust and possible riots. It will be too much risky hiding", pointed out Jamie. "My dear Jamie, how did you get lost within these people. We don't belong here. We don’t belong anywhere. We always keep running, or else people will catch us", said Charles pressing his shoulder. "As soon as the exotic animal is handed over, we will leave with the huge fortune and settle in another country. We will never again have to work a bit to feed ourselves".

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