

The news that Americans were to stay home during the outbreak of COVID-1 Ty9 blew over as nothing for Robert. He already worked from home, and this development was something he expected. He already lived a life of quarantine. The pandemic only served to make his reclusive lifestyle mainstream. Robert lived in busy Denver Colorado, there was some adjustment to a lifestyle for many people, not Robert threw his day consisted of waking up, a little work, and social media. It wasn't that he didn't have a life outside of his home, it's just he was an introvert's introvert. He simply didn't like people. Smart, average build, employed, and single, Robert was a decent find, just not a catch. His single life and few sexual partners only validated what he knew was likely to be a single till I die existence. Robert went to school for psychology and got his master's degree in it! He had hopes of carving out a practice someday, but as of 2016, he was a digital analyst for a major financial institution. In his off time, so his degree was not wasted, he wrote tweets about anything and anyone. Yep, @whoknowsbest was twitters, life coach, psychologist, and resident asshole.

Juliet strolled past the now-closed shops in her beautiful Park Slope neighborhood on the western side of Brooklyn NY. One of the most popular sections of Brooklyn, it was well known for its open spaces, and high concentration of artist of all types. If you were a creative type in New York, chances were you called Park Slope your home. This was fitting, as Juliet made her living as a painter, freelance writer, and author. She had several poetry books published and was a content writer for several mid-size firms. Like everyone else in America, part of her off time was spent, strolling the digital world of social media. Her favorite site twittering. She had a decent size following and mostly wrote positive tweets surrounding life's adversities. She also shared her art and poetry there religiously. She made her brand of twitter clear in her handle @poetryforever. Juliet was single, she had just broken up with another artist type she had sworn was the one until she found out he was also on Twitter talking and exchanging messages with, you guessed it, another poet and artist. She ended the relationship after this revelation, moved him out of her apartment, and embraced the doldrums of singlehood.

Robert had just wrapped up another day of doing the job he really abhorred but understood he was lucky to have, given the recent mass layoffs and the fact that it allowed him a rather comfortable lifestyle in a middle-class neighborhood of Denver. Robert was not addicted to Twitter, he just had a larger following, and wrote very snide tweets that were popular. In his subconscious honesty chamber, he may have just admired, he was rude to a ton of people, and most people gave him a pass, out of not wanting his tongue directed at them. Scrolling twitter for some hapless victim to write about, the notification bell chimed, it was a follower request. What else was new? Robert was close to nine thousand sycophants strong. He was never particularly choosy about who he allowed into his kingdom, so when he saw the request from @poetryforever, he casually looked. There was a for all intents and purposes an attractive brunette, with what could be described as a bright smile, not showing ass or tits as a selling point. What the hell he thought, accept the request.

Bored and alone in her apartment, with a jar of peanut m&ms, Juliet sat scrolling Twitter after writing and posting a few posts in her usual fashion. She had noticed the user @whoknowsbest before. Several of her followers followed him and while she did not care for a ton of his post, there were a few where he shared some really good insights into human nature and just all-around life advice. If she were being honest, while @whoknowsbest didn't appear to be an artist of any sort that she was used to, he did easily remind her of her ex-boyfriend. He had a similar build and eerily similar looks to the jerk who hurt her so badly.

Acting on impulse alone, she clicked on @whoknowsbest recent tweet. Frankly, his take on love is for idiots basically, rubbed her the wrong way, but maybe it was a one-off. She sent him a follow request. Returning to her favorite candy, she was somewhat surprised to find that he accepted the request.

Nine days later, Robert found himself, beer in hand, in the king's chair, phone in hand, tearing into some positivity account who took issue with one of his recent diatribes. I mean, is it his fault that idiots think that life is all sunshine and rainbows. The nerve of these idiots. Everyone knows all this positivity and kindness accounts are all miserable. He is just doing his part to add some reality out there. He types another scathing retort to this fragile soul. Juliet was finished putting the final touches on a painting and a poem she had started. Grabbing her jar of m&ms and her tablet, decided to settle in and see if Twitter could keep her entertained.

Logging in and after sending the following tweet "Poetry lover logging in," she scrolls and likes a few posts and sees her friend @foreverloving engaged with @whoknowsbest and it does not look pleasant. Juliet isn't the twitter warfare type. She casually goes through the thread of grief to figure out why @foreverloving is being thrashed by @whoknowsbest and his army of silent comrades. It just does not seem fair to her. The guy had made some cynical comment about ports and @foreverloving was merely offering an alternate perspective. She does not want to engage this guy, he seems like a real jerk. She elects to show. Support for her friend. The conversation had produced a variety of back and forth, Juliet goes through and likes all of the @foreverloving retorts to @whoknowsbest.

Somewhat pleased with himself after smashing this idiot's warm and fuzzy perspective of him, Robert is now seeing that brunette he just accepted liking the post of the misdirected optimist I just put through the wringer. He does not know why this infuriates him. It just does. He clicks on her profile image and takes a look at her post. He didn't check her out prior to making her a mutual. He is now seeing that she actually isn't dissimilar to @foreverloving albeit he can see her face and in any other universe, he would honestly be attracted to her. Shoving that sentiment aside, he pulls up her latest post. It's got some good engagement, he writes in reply, "leave it to a poet to see the world with such rose-colored glasses."

Morning in Park Slope takes Juliet on a short run in the mask, a drive-through only Starbucks, and a return to her home. Thinking to herself how strange it is to see so many shops closed. As her routine dictates, she writes for her clients, does some quick yoga, cooks egg whites, and avocado toast. Finally, just some time to herself now. Why not waste it on Twitter. She logs in, writes her obligatory, I'm here announcement, and moves to her notifications. Nothing unusual so far. Getting closer to the end, she sees @whoknowsbest and reads his reply, furious at his obvious insecurity over her support for her friend, she replies, "leave it to a cynic to not understand real life." She can't believe the nerve of this guy. He obviously thinks very highly of himself. Drifting in thought, her ex had the same demeanor.

Robert is enjoying a typical Saturday afternoon wine and book on his patio. The day has been slow and fairly uneventful. He has not been online much. He does have his phone with him. Sometimes, his mom text on the weekend and he does not like to miss her. He never heard the end of it, when he misses her. Sipping his Merlot, the notification bell on his phone chimes. He looks down to see it's Twitter and it's that account he responded to last night. Again, he can't understand why her response makes him so angry. He quickly taps out his best smart-ass retort. Thinking, this crazy rainbow lover won't know what hit her. In a flash, she has responded, not only fast but her reply is being liked by other accounts. Not new to Twitter warfare, he immediately taps

out another retort to her. Again, she is Johnny on the spot with her reply. It's a pretty even battle and if he is honest, she is kind of getting the better of the exchange. This verbal jousting between them continues for about an hour and a half. Finally, sensing a lull in the battle, Robert decides to throw in the truce, "you make some good points, why don't we agree to disagree." She seemingly accepts this and the conversation end.

Juliet is prepping her dinner and listening to music. She can't deny, her exchange with @whoknowsbest is still bugging her. She can't figure out if it's bugging her based on the content, or if it's the familiarity of feeling she felt fighting with him. "Get it together Juliet," she says to herself. "You can't be seriously liking this guy." If there is one thing she knows about herself, she can never leave too much unresolved. Not knowing what compels her, she grabs her tablet, logs in, goes to his profile, and clicks the direct message option. Pausing, "what are you doing?" She resigns to tell herself, she is only ending an argument. She types up a half surrender, half you want some more, message.

Closer now too late afternoon, Robert again finds himself looking at a message from @poetryforever. The message is nice and not so nice at the same time. If Robert is honest and he can't explain why his heart is beating a little faster. "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you," he tells himself. He taps out a passive-aggressive response. Juliet is now in receipt of his message, she can tell it's not feisty, but it is not exactly friendly either. She elects for a simple deflection. She taps back, "so are all the guys in Colorado assholes, smiley face" Robert looking at this newly received message, is both confused and frankly relieved that he does not have to continue to joust with this woman. The fact of the matter is, she is actually quite smart.

Before either really knows it, it's nearly 2 am for Juliet on the east coast and late night for Robert on the west coast. They have been talking for hours. Sensing a lull in the conversation, Juliet announces "id better get to bed" Robert not wanting to push his luck, "yeah, I guess it is late." In the most out of character thing he has done in some time, he asks, "do you want to talk again maybe tomorrow?" Juliet, sensing his awkward and not wanting to commit, "I'll be around..."

Robert laid there for the rest of the night. The only thoughts we're here. He hadn't thought about another person like that in some time. He had to finally admit, he fucking liked her. Sure she was a rainbow breather, but he found her practical and let's face it, she was gorgeous. Miles away in Brooklyn, Juliet wrestled with the same thoughts. I mean the guy was charming and they had a ton in common when you tore down his walls. It was pretty difficult not to like him. The communication between the two started off kind of spotty. As expected with new friendships, the feeling each other out period was littered with disagreements, silent spells, and moments of sheer bliss.

Several weeks turn into months and all the while both Robert and Juliet have managed to maintain communication and build on their similarities. Internet romance has turned into internet passion. They frankly can't go a day without each other. Their shared bond becomes nearly unbreakable. They have managed to find ways to settle all of the usual relationship additives. All but physical contact. It's not that they don't want to see each other. It's just that they can't. No matter how hard this fire burned between them, they simply can't risk the flight or the contact. It truly adds another layer to the union between the two. Yet and still, with plans in the future, and love in their hearts, they trudge on, loving in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

© Rising Darkstar