

Pandemic's Lesson
2020 and 2021has been a difficult time for everyone but has also helpes us connect more with our families. Share your experience in the form of a story about how this scenario shaped your life and you as a person.

The pandemic surely made a big impact in our lives, in my life. The pandemic made me experience a lot of hardships.

As a student, I'm not used to staying at home all the time and not be able to go out and see my friends. It was very new to me, even the concept of learning was changed.

In just a matter of months, my life did a 180 degree spin and everything around me changed, even I changed. Not just my appearance but my personality and mindset as well.

My eyes were opened to a lot of things, I had to learn how to be responsible and how to act like an adult at such an early age of thirteen due to my father losing his job, and my mother being away all of the time because she's a frontliner.

My mother had to risk her life for the safety and health of the people while I had to learn a lot of things.

How to cook, how to clean the house, and how to take care of my sibling while studying hard in school.

Most of the time, I feel like I'm not really learning at all. Classes were virtual, lessons were virtual, even exams were virtual which you could easily cheat, teachers were stressed and so are the students but still I studied hard.

The pandemic took a toll on me and I had this trauma. I was so afraid of being a disappointment and a failure.

Nevertheless, I succeeded. I finished the 7th grade with straight As and an average score of 94 which I'm very proud and thankful for.

Although I did good in school and had earned a lot of awards, I still felt empty, I felt numb. I felt like I had no purpose in life.

In fact, I was recently diagnosed with ulcer and depression. Because I was so dedicated with school work, I would sometimes skip meals or not eat at all. But instead of becoming skinnier, I gained weight which made me really insecure about myself. I would sometimes even hallucinate and would hear voice hushed into small whispers in my ear saying mean things about me.

And I began to lose interest in things which I usually love to do. I stopped drawing, I was always 'not in the mood' for singing and all I wanted to do was sleep, sleep and sleep.

Then my nightmare began, my great grandmother died, then my grandfather and then my friend. They all died one by one.

And I was trapped in the what seemed like an endless void of emptiness.

That's when I started to read the Bible and attend Bible studies and began to learn about the Almighty. And for the first time in months, I felt like I had a purpose again.

I began to share the word of God, I would make devotions every week and would volunteer to sing in virtual Church Masses.

And while I was serving God, I began to understand a lot of things.

I was a very introverted person and I still am, but I became closer to my parents. I had a chance to share my pain with them, and surprisingly, they listened.

I used to be so closed off and would argue with my parents a lot, but now we would play games in our free time, watch movies and even read the Bible and pray the rosary together.

And I realized that we should cherish our time properly, be with our loved ones and trust in the Lord and that we are not alone and we will never be for He is always watching. All it takes is trust and a little bit of patience.

Because a no from God can sometimes just mean, "not yet."

© Manuel