

tomorrow #4
After a comfortable sleep in the guest room I finally woke up, brushed my teeth and went to palms alley alone without Corey because I was still pretty irritated with him for not giving me palms number last night. I make it to the alley and see another girl and palms talking. and with me being a really nosey guy I had to ease drop on what she was. " I met two guys yesterday, there pretty cool and I have a crush on the one named Corey ill be sure to show you him they'll be here any minute now" palms said in excitement . I felt broken hearted, and as soon as I was getting ready to leave but then I saw Corey coming down the alley so I just sat there and waited for him to come on. "about time you boys got here meet my freind Jocelyn" palms said in a energetic voice. "hey my name is Corey" Corey said in a chill voice again which annoyed me to death. "w-whats up my n-name is j-jay" I stuttered because this girl looked way better than palms. Black hair, blue eyes which looked like she could see your soul and pretty thick eyebrows. "hey guys my name is Jocelyn but you can call me Jo" Jocelyn said in a beautiful soft voice. "hey guys we should totally go on a double date at that club that's going on here later" palms said "clubs, where do you get the technology for a club" I asked " I honestly don't know" Jocelyn said. "BOYYYYYYS COME EAT BREAKFAST" Annabeth yelled "YES MA'AM ME AND COREY ARE COMING" I yelled " let's go Corey" I said "bye Corey" palms said and Corey waved " why didn't she say bye to me" I asked forgetting that Corey dosen't talk in the open so he didn't answer. "You guys can't miss the most important meal of the day" Annabeth said "especially when your going on a double date later on" Annabeth sang and me and Corey looked at each other with shock. "How about you do the prayer today Jay" Annabeth said "May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds, amen" I prayed as we started to eat. after eating i get out of the table and go upstairs with Corey and we texted about the double date later because Corey doesn't want his mom to hear a peep of what he says "oh I forgot my bag downstairs ill be back" I said and went down halfway through the stairs and noticed Annabeth talking to someone on the phone so me being nosey had to ease drop. "Hello, yes sir I got a whole city of people for you to take care of but please just don't kill my son, I love him to much to watch him die" Annabeth said while holding back tears "no please I beg you anyone in this town just not him, you'll spare him, oh my thank you so much" Annabeth said as she started to cry "wait what, no I don't want to kill my own son, please just let him live, hello, hello" and she started to sob and I ran back upstairs to tell Corey. " jump out the window come on" Corey texted me " are you nuts no" I responded and then Corey just jumped out and went to palms alley and I took a good minute to follow. "hey inaya, hey Jocelyn" Corey said " hey palms and jo" I said in excitement "who am I dating tonight" Corey asked just like he forgot what I just texted him "you'll be dating me" palms said in a beautiful red dress " SO THAT MEANS IM DATING JO" I said in excitement " yes indeed" jo said and walked in with a gorgeous white dress " why are you guys wearing these outfits so early where in the alley" I asked "the party starts in 10 minutes you dumb ball" and me and Corey both ran to the house to put on our outfits and then saw Annabeth and it made me think of how she knew we were going on the date. " have fun boys" Annabeth said "okay" I said as we walked to the party.

tune in for more tomorrow on feb,19 for chapter 5: the party
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