

I Love This Man
I made love to an amazing man the other night and then we made sweet love this morning. It's been a long time since I had anyone love me the way he loves me. I've been with women and yet none of my exes loved me the way he loves me. For years, I battled with my sexuality and because of that, I was really depressed. One day, I saw this beautiful man at the park and he was so beautiful. His eight pack abs with his beautiful, muscular arms and chest had me and next thing you know, we started talking. As we're talking, we laughed and enjoyed each other's company. We exchanged numbers and went on a few dates before we made things official. I've even celibate for years and when I was with this man, I wanted to make love to him. The first time we made love was last night and it was beautiful. At first, I was nervous, but he submitted and allowed me to take control. I listened to his body and he listened to mine and when we made love, it was amazing. I dominated him with every ounce of my heart and soul. I went deep inside of him and just hearing his moans turned me on last night. When we made love this morning, I took his soul with my dick. He kept sucking my dick until I almost came. I dominated him and fucked him until I couldn't anymore. This man makes me smile and he makes me laugh each and everyday. When I'm with him, I could finally be myself and live in my truth. When I was with my ex girlfriends, I felt like a liar. I wasn't living in my truth. I loved my ex girlfriends, but I wasn't in love with them anymore. Before I met this beautiful man, I was scared of commitment. I was a boxer and judoka as a child and martial arts saved me from depression. But I stopped doing martial arts and I struggled with my sexuality and I struggled with life. When I saw this beautiful man at the park, I knew I had to have him. His spirit attracted me then and still attracts me to this day. Being with him makes me feel so much alive and let me say that out of all my relationships, this is the happiest I've ever been. This man and I do martial arts together, we workout, cook, sing and dance together and he brings out the best in me and I bring out the best in him. He's my best friend, lover, companion and other half. I love when he takes his shirt off and shows off his muscular body. I also love to see him smile each and everyday. I love when he would hold me and kiss me so passionately and talking about it gets me horny. This man right here is a beautiful man and I love that he's been by my side through the good and the bad. Sex with this man opened my eyes and made me realize that he truly loves me and that I truly love him and that our love won't ever go away. I feel good when I think about him. He's in my mind and he's in my dreams and I want it like that. When he's away, I find myself going crazy. When he comes back, I find myself back in sanity. Something about him makes me want to be better and I would do anything to keep him. I love this man with every ounce of my heart and I just love him. I love his mind, I love his walk, intellect and everything about him. I can't wait to make love to him later. His body and my body are intertwined, that you can't break us. This man loves me and I love him. I remember times when I wasn't feeling loved, he would take me by the hand and we would just kiss each other and talk. Those meaningful conversations we've had mean a lot to me and actually saved my life. I just find myself falling in love with him over and over again. I see myself marrying this man one day and I hope that we can spend the rest of our lives together. His love is the kinda love I didn't want, but the kinda love that I need. Forever and ever my love he is and I'm never letting go of him. Such a beautiful man he is, I just can't help the way I feel about him. A beautiful man he is and I'm happy that he's my man. I can't wait to marry him one day and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

© Josiah Bhola Hillaire