

The First Love
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

Standard - 8th
Year -2009

She was the first girl I ever had a crush on.
She was what we used to call "the first love".

My Life was good, but meeting her was good and it made me realise what a girl can do in your life.

I was always organised, had my shirt tucked in, never missed my tie and hairs combed perfectly.
She knew me and was the one who never let my tie out of place, never left my hairs in a ruff after sports and even though sections were different, we were always together.

They say, that realisations come late and when I had to leave suddenly was when I realised that Something was being left behind, but it took time and by the time I realised it, a year passed away.

We lost contact and things faded away. Feelings were present, just like the sun is there always, but darkness prevents you from looking beyond it.
Those vent up feelings cane all flashing back in 2017, when I met her in social media again, numbers were exchanged, calls and texts started, we came close and I could feel the darkness fading away but as they say -
" something that you want so badly is never meant to be yours"

I proposed her finally and to my surprise, she was already taken. I didn't give up.
I tried my best, bent heaven and hell to convince her and things started going outright.
We talked, became close friends and 2 years passed.
Some misunderstandings started popping up after I met her and her friends on a college trip to my city Jodhpur.
From there, she said things that can not be revoked. 200 messages, more than a 50 calls and all went in vain.
That's where I broke all ties and the darkness took over once again.

© inked_heights

#love #firstlove #loveme #heartbreak #emotion #heartbreak #LoveVsDestiny
#heartbreak #feelings