

The last bullet left the muzzle of his rifle with a deafening bang. It took with him all his hopes of survival.
He reached for the sharp knife held at his boot strap. He wasn't going out without a fight! Suddenly he cried with severe pain and again he fell unconscious. He was the 9nly earning member in his family of one younger brother and one younger sister. His father had served with the Indian Army as a Soldier and had sacrifice his life in the 1971 India Pakistan war. As a young boy Ajay Khanna had seen his father saying him bed time Stories about the bravery shown by our Indian Soldiers during the war when ever he had come on a vacation to spend time with his family. When the call came to serve the nation his dad had to leave the family and young Ajay would send him happily saying that he too wished to serve the Indian soil,which brought tears of happiness in his dad's eyes. His dad kissed his forehead with love and left. In his absence his mother would say the heroic deeds of the bravery shown by our Soldiers on the warfront.
All these triggered a ardent desire to serve Indian Army
Ajay topped with flying colours in each class and worked very hard to get enrolled in the Indian Army amidst tough competition. Though his father had Martyred himself for Nation he made it with out recommendation and got by merit. His dream came true and the next moment his dad dead body was brought to their hometown for last rites. He even attended the function where his dad was honoured the "Paramveer Chakra".
Though Ajay was unconscious all these flashed in his subconscious mind. But he lay in deep pain. After recruitment in the Indian Army he was send to an important operation of catching the Terrorist in the Pak occupied Kashmir region. After shooting many terrorist suddenly a militant started shooting from behind as Ajay was unaware. Before he could shoot the terrorist a bullet muzzle from the enemy's riffle and injured Ajay Khanna left leg. Still Ajay got up and shot his enemy. Suddenly another bullet hit his shoulders and Ajay crying in pain fell down unconscious. His other team mates came and took him to the Military Hospital. Seeing this the other militants ran away escaping for their lives. Already many were slain to death by Ajay riffle. Tears rolled in his mother and younger sister eyes as they could not see Ajay in this condition. Ajays friends console his mother and sister that nothing will happen to Ajay and he will recover soon from the knee surgery. The doctor examine his wound and said that the bullet need to be removed from the knee and the shoulder otherwise Ajay would loose his knee forever. The doctor also told the money involved. Ajays mother could not control her tears as she was not financially to pay for Ajay operation. As Ajay Khanna was the only source of Income . Ajays friends console her saying they will arrange the needful to make his friend able to walk. His only sister had completed her degree and was eligible for Marriage. Ajays mother could not control her tears. pray God for her only son recovery.
Money was collected through Army welfare fund. Ajay was admitted and money was paid for operation. After several hours of operation finally doctor removed the bullet from his knee and shoulder. After a day Ajay regained consciousness. Every one prayer was heard. Ajay slowly opened his eyes. The doctor came out and said that they could save Ajay Khanna legs with out getting ampulated. On hearing this his mother and sister ran inside the operation theatre to hug Ajay. Ajays eyes too was filled with tears. He wiped his mother tears and said you should not cry as you have given birth to a 🦁. I'm your brace son and dying for our Nation is a great Sacrifice. I'll serve our Nation and make our father dreams come true. His words had fire and soldiers spirit. He wiped his sister tears and said that he will fulfill all her dreams. After a month long rest Ajay Khanna started walking slowly till he was able to ru speedily. After taking long rest he joined his regiment and was back on action.