

Who am I
A trailer movie, a glimpse of what's to come?
A brief but tantalizing taste, a promise of the fun
That lies ahead in two short hours of action on the screen
I am the prologue to the tale, the teaser to the dream

I am the hero, the villain, the damsel in distress
I am the wise old mentor, the comic relief, the quest
I wear a thousand faces, play a million different roles
I am the mirror to the world, the window to the soul

I am the soundtrack swelling, the camera panning wide
I am the tension building, the emotion amplified
I am the rising action, the climax, the denouement
I am the journey taken, the lessons learned, the bond

I am the storyteller spinning tales of love and loss
Of triumph and of tragedy, of heroes bearing cross
I am the epic battle fought upon a grand scale
I am the quiet moment shared, the intimate detail

I am the mystery unfolding, the puzzle to be solved
I am the revelation shocking, the truth finally told
I am the laughter ringing out, the tears falling fast
I am the catharsis felt when all is said and passed

I am the trailer movie, a taste of what's in store
A promise of adventure, of longing, of much more
So come and take a chance on me, on what I have to give
For in the end you may just find a reason to live

So sit back and enjoy the ride, the thrill of the unknown
For in the world of cinema, I am but a loan
A glimpse of what could be, a vision of the true
For in the end, dear audience, I am but a view

And as the credits roll and the lights come on once more
Remember, dear viewer, what you came here for
A moment of escape, a chance to dream and fly
For in the world of cinema, we all are one, you and I.


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