

If My Poem Could Reach Heaven
If my poem could reach heaven, what beautiful sights it would see? What divine secrets would unfold and what heavenly melodies it would hear?
If my poem could reach heaven, it would experience a celestial journey through the heavenly kingdom, escorted by the angels who would smile at its simplicity and innocence.
It would travel the vast expanse of heaven, meeting the moon and stars while passing through the galaxies and reaching the very heart of eternity.

While my poem travelled, the words would transform into vibrant colours resembling the cosmic rays of light and they would dance through the celestial spheres, painting the night sky with their shining bright presence.

On reaching the gates of heaven, my poem would be greeted by a celestial chorus of the celestial beings. Their voices filled with words of eternal wisdom, resonating through time and space, carrying the essence of divine knowledge and enlightenment. The poem would absorb and savor every drop of this sweet nectar of wisdom and come back to the earthly realm.

© Sunita Pathania

#sunitapathania #heaven #celestial