

lost soul
In a blaze of confusion that consist of violence,sex and hate being ran over constantly. Drowing in a honey comb glass of pure sugar and lemons , tracing the right recipie that doesn't display in its correct tone of respect. Another introduction to its finest wardrobe being thrown away in style and comfort. leaves a perfect hold to wear truthfully. A shot to heaven and an forgiven speech of its famous looks and glamourous decor destracting the wild ones. In due time with its abatract curves and wavy hips in silent mode, decomposes the actual fake profilling of another true heart that is being healed from the disruption and dishonesty being played. Whereas another turn awakes the soul to a beautiful paradise and the ressurection of its evil diaguise. Only a real bullet can kill the weak and blind the seed. A seed of its loyalty grows in despair of another disrespecting its land and running deeply through the veins of hope : As to achieve in this life: A taker of the eye and heart to find hope,faith,love,and respect lies under the strings attached to its skull in defiant of its real identity being shown as : "Thegoldenclutch" A lost soul to fold and keep for eternity ....
... is of my intentions to escape and live for the dead....
... a prosperous way of living healthy, innocent, strong, fearless, flawless, and reckless.
.... aha, a stoopid walk to heaven ....
... gets me jumping and ready for the next flight...
a high leaf is the sauce to my hunger
and the blood to my thirst.
.... No stopping,
and forever running to the light.
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