

You Say | Jeon Jungkook | Fanficentral
"hey" jungkook said to you as you, Jenny and the boys shared a table in the cupcakes,
"mahn, you stay away! she said she doesn't like you!" JoonE alarms, you smile that you're not alone in keeping jeongguk away from you
"oohh, the boytoy of yours!? " jungkook said mockingly
you burnt, its enough that you had with him. Now he called your bestfriend that!
"you dare never call him a boytoy, or you'll see the end of it!" you say as you twist his arms and hold him back, pin him down, but before you punch, JoonE stops you.
"Its fine Y/N", you retort

Its very weird, the cute jungkook from the first day of school was now a big bad jeongguk, and all it took was that one day! you walk to your lockers to grab your notes and guitar
"where's ma lady goin?", ughgh its jeongguk again! you ignore him and walk off. surprisingly he doesnt follow you and proceeds to walk off with KittyGang. Whats weird about the school is that people wouldn't say their real names, only a few did.like you!

You entered the lonely guitar room, and sung a beautiful acoustic song, no one was in the room so you sung freely, jeongguk and KittyGang looked through the glass door they quietly entered the room
"if the stars surround the moon, oh ooh" you sing! strumming a beautiful chord as your chorus Vallants through the room. they stare at you. You and closed your eyes and sung. Not noticing them.
"ooh oooooh oh oh ooh hoo" you sing concluding the song, strumming the last chord before opening your eyes
"that was so nice, you rarely show your soft side" KittyGang says
"thanks KITTYGANG" you say, slapping him a high-five like jeongguk was not there, he looked.. jealous! "my soft sides not for everyone, ya know!" you say again,
"uhmm, loved that" jeongguk said
"ok" you say and grab the guitar and leave the room, blankly. which made him know that he hurt you

"well whats up with the my soft sides not for everyone, ya know" jeongguk asks jimin
"its a long story, she was 12, she was abused and assaulted, she didn't give up though, Jenny and JoonE saved her so they're best friends.. more! actually family. She never wanted to be the good girl anymore, she never trusted any man after, the man was back, and this time Jenny was the prey, but Y/N killed him, she'd even kill for Jenny and JoonE, you should probably apologize to her, she's been through a lot! and only one man had ever she liked, Kim Taehyung, the 11th grader,he rejected her so now all that turned her bad"
"ohh yeah, maybe I should" jeongguk said

"hey JoonE" jeongguk said
"umm yes man!"
"I'm sorry for the lunchbreak inciden-"
"oh! thats not a problem, ma-"
"it is" you interuppt "you hurt his feeling! and you hurt me!, you dare say that to him one more time, Ill- "
"its okay! come back here " Jenny says reassuringly

as you turn to go, jeongguk hugs you tightly, "get off me"
still hugs you.
"get the fuck off, now!" you scream, this time he lets you go, you see he teared up a bit!
oops! You've got to assure him now.
"yah! did I hurt your feelings too? Its okay there, okay Well be friends? yah? Mistakes can be forgiven, crimes can be stopped and love can be back, But forgiveness won't matter of you don't feel like it."
"Im so sorry" jeongguk says
"its okay.. I forgive you"

© this is a pure work of fiction