

Me the explorer of life has gone to explore our life as the way I have lived. In search of life I found a variety of lessons and teachings learned by me that teached by others. The one common in all the person life is involvement needed regarding bto our conduction and how we persue the things around us. Not every people who are silent are not who don't know anything, but because of some situations that they had gone through themselves only because of thinking about the past, what they had faced, like same way they think is likely to happen now also the same way by thinking about the past. What they have faced, is likely to happen now also same way. By thinking this they loose intrest in every single enthusiastic matter. By this ones own soul will speak to themselves about their past experience the travelled in case if we are in the same path the soul indicates the past with recalling it, so because of this some people are not ready to involve in any of the activities regarding to their friend circle or other socially being activities.
At last "" Dvitva is a phase of two realities coinciding the past and describing the meaning in present.""
In memory of appu sirs next project.
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