

the day I was alone
I started my day like usual, wake up make coffee get kids ready for school or whatever we were doing that day. little did I know that night, exactly a week before thanksgiving, my family became broken. He just ran to his mother for a plane ticket outta here. I wasn’t as hurt for me as I thought I’d be. my babies though, how could you just up and leave. how do you create something so beautiful and amazing then say I’m done with this marriage so I’m done parenting as well. Not knowing how to feel i dropped him off at the airport and him denying me a hug was just the closure I needed. The woman who had been an ongoing problem…. a family “friend” stole him away from his family. I wasn’t sad though. I never felt more relief than I did driving off and bawling my eyes out. I was free. I could go to the store and not get yelled at for how I stopped for a coffee before or I got the kids a treat without asking him first. I could go to sleep knowing he wasn’t my problem anymore. Wondering why he’s on the phone whispering at 2am, who he’s texting and being called crazy because he was actually doing what he denied and I thought. I can go to anyone’s house without asking permission and find out who else will be there. I found peace in his absence. I’m still growing and learning and finding pieces of who I once was. I wasn’t alone for a long time, 12 years to be exact. how do I function? healing is necessary and ongoing. I found myself being ok as time went on. better than ever and thriving. That day I was alone though became the day I learned how strong I truly was.
© dnr2023